What does it mean to be a chud


I've seen this term thrown around a billion times by hundreds of different internet communities. To you personally, what does it mean to be a chud? Do you consider yourself one? Tell me.
Nowadays when I see chud thrown around it’s mostly aimed at someone who doesn’t like LGBT in their games or have political beliefs slightly to the right of Stalin. Though I think a more accurate description is someone who wants a return to pre-WW2 societal values. I.e.: traditional family structure, outlawing abortion and whoredom, forbidding gay relationships, and all that good stuff.
Nowadays when I see chud thrown around it’s mostly aimed at someone who doesn’t like LGBT in their games or have political beliefs slightly to the right of Stalin. Though I think a more accurate description is someone who wants a return to pre-WW2 societal values. I.e.: traditional family structure, outlawing abortion and whoredom, forbidding gay relationships, and all that good stuff.
this... so much this
Nowadays when I see chud thrown around it’s mostly aimed at someone who doesn’t like LGBT in their games or have political beliefs slightly to the right of Stalin. Though I think a more accurate description is someone who wants a return to pre-WW2 societal values. I.e.: traditional family structure, outlawing abortion and whoredom, forbidding gay relationships, and all that good stuff.
unfortunately they also call nunazi satanic groypers chuds which would have been hanged in any functional society for paganic practices