Here is what I think on your enlightening info,
Ultra rare good take on chuds.lifeHere is what I think on your enlightening info,
Black Lives Matter.
Trans rights are human rights.
vaccines are safe and effective.
Science over Religion.
Kamala 2024.
Love wins, Hate loses. always.
Equal rights for all.
stop antisemitism.
Free Palestine.
Refugees Welcome.
I stand with Ukraine.
No human is illegal.
a rare trvke has been spotted regarding the acts of a Chud in the woods of the realm chudarUltra rare good take on
The irony is that irl that is normie-tier virtue signaling and opinions while on here it’s actually a hot-take which counters what most people here believe or thinkUltra rare good take on
stop antisemitism.
Free Palestine.
Real Jews stand with Palestine or whatever the virtue-signaling college Professor told me o algo
Why would America need to pay reparations? The niggers run the world, that's why there's so much nigger wordship like Gods. Just look at George Floyd. False idols
Black BVLL on
they're both valid and oppresed bipoc, sweetie
Are you Indian by any chance ?
He's Turkish.Are you Indian by any chance ?
yes saar me aryan saarAre you Indian by any chance ?
Black BULLS won and wh*Te cucks lost kekAll niggers and nigger lovers need to be mass castrated and beaten to death.
we ran out of karabogas saar there are only syrian bvlls left nowBlack BULLS won and wh*Te cucks lost kek