Politics What are some non-european peoples you would consider white or even aryan?

we serbs are the real jews o mishehu
>You're the same
Realistically none of them but there is a small but noticeable minority of Arabs with European features (Blue eyes, fair skin, light hair)
Not saying they’re all like that but in Tunisia the descendants of the Vandals are still around. Whenever I’m in Tunisia to visit family I usually see a couple of them walking around.
None but people soy out too much over sand niggers when aboriginals and africans exist IMO. Biggest problem with sand niggers is their religion not the racial aspect.
Melanin by itself doesn't matter that much, that just has to do with sunlight. I'd count people of Germanic descent, most descendants from romance countries (Still a case by case due to high arab and mongolic admixture), most greeks (Same here but turk admixture), and most celts. Some arguments can be made for areas of high germanic admixture like Slovenia and Finland/Baltics.