Swede Immigrant Well-known member Friday at 12:08 AM #26 He wasn’t as extreme as the mainstream media says he was. There were a ton of different races that fought for him in the army.
He wasn’t as extreme as the mainstream media says he was. There were a ton of different races that fought for him in the army.
Anon_Humor Moderator Staff member Friday at 12:26 AM #27 Swede Immigrant said: He wasn’t as extreme as the mainstream media says he was. There were a ton of different races that fought for him in the army. Click to expand... Trvke, I was thinking this yesterday lol
Swede Immigrant said: He wasn’t as extreme as the mainstream media says he was. There were a ton of different races that fought for him in the army. Click to expand... Trvke, I was thinking this yesterday lol
SiegeChud Well-known member Friday at 2:23 AM #29 Swede Immigrant said: He wasn’t as extreme as the mainstream media says he was. There were a ton of different races that fought for him in the army. Click to expand... one of his biggest attacks against france is that it was being negrified also consider the fact of his propagation of white racial purity in practice alongside its advocacy page 34 of Hitlers revolution states "The history of the German people is a centuries-long struggle against spiritual foreign penetration into the realms of politics, law, tradition and our way of life, a struggle against the destruction of our race and perversion of our souls"
Swede Immigrant said: He wasn’t as extreme as the mainstream media says he was. There were a ton of different races that fought for him in the army. Click to expand... one of his biggest attacks against france is that it was being negrified also consider the fact of his propagation of white racial purity in practice alongside its advocacy page 34 of Hitlers revolution states "The history of the German people is a centuries-long struggle against spiritual foreign penetration into the realms of politics, law, tradition and our way of life, a struggle against the destruction of our race and perversion of our souls"
FisherKelTath Well-known member Friday at 7:33 AM #30 His only crime was loving his people and country
SoytanEnthusiast Well-known member Friday at 11:38 AM #31 Cortex said: Southern Italians, yes. Click to expand... SOUTH ITALY IS WHITE I SAID... SOUTH ITALY IS FUCKING WHITE
Cortex said: Southern Italians, yes. Click to expand... SOUTH ITALY IS WHITE I SAID... SOUTH ITALY IS FUCKING WHITE
Spas Well-known member Friday at 3:26 PM #32 People who say Hitler is racist are the same ones who say men can be women Yeah, alright buddy. Not buying it.
People who say Hitler is racist are the same ones who say men can be women Yeah, alright buddy. Not buying it.
Anon_Humor Moderator Staff member Friday at 3:50 PM #33 Spas said: People who say Hitler is racist are the same ones who say men can be women Yeah, alright buddy. Not buying it. Click to expand... I can actually get that
Spas said: People who say Hitler is racist are the same ones who say men can be women Yeah, alright buddy. Not buying it. Click to expand... I can actually get that