Conspiracy Waco - The Big Lie [1993 Documentary]


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(This may be surface-level American conspiracy stuff, but it's still neat to talk about.)
This half-hour film analyzes various accounts and footages of the Waco siege in Texas from back in 1992, pointing out a bunch of inconsistencies regarding the alleged ATF procedures that were involved in besieging the place. These include the clumsy scene of an ATF member shooting himself in the foot with a handgun while climbing a ladder, an ATF agent being "shot at by Davidians" through a window that three of his comrades had just jumped through, before he also hailed gunfire and chucked a grenade into the room of that window (good job helping your teammates, buddy), and various sights of non-aggression being shown by the Davidians as the ATF fired at them, with very little evidential retaliation being shown in the footage.
The film also identifies the seemingly-unconstitutional measures that the U.S government took in dealing with the Waco folk, with the U.S National Guard's presence in the siege being identified by the documentary as a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act, an act which limits the use of U.S military force within domestic matters of security (unless it is within the confines of a drug interdiction case, in which case the government, without evidence of drugs being manufactured in the compound, justified it as such with a baseless claim, such claims a commonality in the ATF's procedures surrounding this case and, to this day, other cases of their injustice).
The most stunning claim made by this film is that of flamethrowers that look to be attached to tanks that were crushing through the building's foundation as the government forces slowly encroached into the lowest levels of the complex. If this is the case, it'd mean that the building was purposefully set ablaze by the government, with the burning flames having been the primary killer of the Davidians. From this accusation, it'd be apparent that the flames were not set by any accident, but by a purposeful military objective to slay the people in the building.
Finally, the last thing I'll add about this film is that, in its first years of existence, it was very commonly found among gun shows of the 1990s militia movement in the immediate aftermath of the Waco debacle, so-much-so that the official narrative of Timothy McVeigh's background alleges that, among the goods he was selling at the gun shows he attended, among the various apparels of anti-federal-agency merchandise that were up for sale, were also tapes of this documentary.
The entire film can be found here:
Oh shit. How have I not heard of this til now? Apparently this massacre is what spawned all the prominent anti-government figures like Alex Jones.
You never heard of Waco? I thought this was common stuff, man! Now my first sentence looks stupid!
But yeah, it was this, Ruby Ridge, the CSA siege down in Arkansas (not the Confederates, "the Covenant, the Sword, and the Arm of the Lord", long name, I know), the inheritance of Christian Identity by the American neo-nazi movement in the late nineteen-eighties and nineties, which then spawned a new militant movement of camps set up around the heretical sect, and William Luther Pierce's novels (most particularly The Turner Diaries) that would then inspire folk like McVeigh or Robert Jay Matthews to take action in their deeds.
Waco and Ruby Ridge were huge back during the militia movements. Alex Jones is cointel pro faggot Project Mockingbird...
The militia movements came out of Waco and Ruby Ridge and were iced by an FBI / CIA false flag known as the Oklahoma City Bombing...

Ruby Ridge is just as sad....

Glad ya'll are finally waking up ;)
Chud Star promotions are in your futures.
Anyway, for some more background about the victims of the siege (as apparently they're lesser-known by some than I thought):
>Splinter group of the Seventh-Day Adventist church (a heresy itself, but that's just my perspective)
>Apocalyptic beliefs, believed that the Book of Revelation's events would need to be bunkered up and prepared for with great security among the believers (including the stockpiling of weapons. Uh oh...)
>If I could define it most accurately, they believed in a "Montanist"-like style of prophethood, i.e more prophets can come in the modern era to provide new spiritual information
>Their heresiarch, David Koresh, was the spiritual leader and primary self-proclaimed prophet of the Davidians, having claimed several miracles, including a potential to raise the dead and, strangely, the impregnation of his friend's elderly mother
>Allegations from folk surrounding their compound that spoke of child abuse, including sexual abuse, and other "cult-like" traits, surrounded them in their Koreshian days
>Their possession of weapons that could have been deemed illegal was the main justification for the ATF raid, alongside these abuse allegations (the documentary goes into good detail about the justifications)
Don't forget about the National Guard shooting innocent unarmed hippy college kids at Kent State for protesting the Vietnam war too...
Yup, it was all building up as far back as then, and further. All of that political tension curled up like a ball of tin foil, and the microwave that it was tossed in is today's political climate, restriction after restriction, really starting up around the 1980s, I'd say, and then sparking *BAM!* *BAM!* more and more as the microwave keeps spinning it around with the continued heat.
Yup, it was all building up as far back as then, and further. All of that political tension curled up like a ball of tin foil, and the microwave that it was tossed in is today's political climate, restriction after restriction, really starting up around the 1980s, I'd say, and then sparking *BAM!* *BAM!* more and more as the microwave keeps spinning it around with the continued heat.
No gem emote :(

@Seraphim ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Waco is pretty much at the center of everything in modern politics. This feverish anti govt sentiment just exploded after Y2K and 9-11. Prior to this you had a hard time finding a person that didn't trust the nightly news or newspaper.
Waco, otherwise known as the time where the US government got so asshurt over citizens stocking up on guns to protect themselves, that they called in the fucking military to burn down a building full of men, women, and children. What they really wanted was to show they can do whatever they want without being held accountable.