Politics Why do Americans make 9/11 a big deal?

What’s the deal with this lmao

Americans are stupid.

>Israel runs the country
>planes get hijacked by extremists
>people die
>let’s bomb the shit out of innocent civilians in the Middle East instead of the extremists
>cause refugee crisis in Europe

They let this happen.
I get called a filthy turkroach for pointing this out, geg. Some people love sucking jewish cocks it seems.
I guess because it was the first big attack on continental American soil since 1812. Not to mention 9/11 influenced and basically started two huge wars.

It was also a huge shock to the U.S considering after the cold war up until then the country was seen as Godly among the world, almost.
I guess because it was the first big attack on continental American soil since 1812. Not to mention 9/11 influenced and basically started two huge wars.

It was also a huge shock to the U.S considering after the cold war up until then the country was seen as Godly among the world, almost.
Tsmt. 9/11 was America’s biggest L in history. And no one knew when/if it would happen again.
They do this, while the Kenyans show compassion. Who is our real "greatest ally"?
>Naiyomah is responsible for 14 Cows for America, the sole official gift to the United States from the Republic of Kenya in memory of the terrorists attacks of September 11, 2001.
I have no idea what the context is behind those photos but, “Purim” is the celebration of the slaughter of seventy five thousand Persians. It’s supposedly a legend but it’s still a bizarre thing to celebrate.
I get it’s a tragedy and a lot of people died. What about all the ones who die everyday from preventable causes like homelessness? Overdoses? Shootings? None of these get their own holiday.
It was a false flag... planes will never go through steel and concrete. Scientifically impossible... let alone fires burning down steel and concrete.
Building 7 was brought down the same way (thermite and explosives), 1km away, no planes hit it. Normies always forget about Building 7.
Retarded normies use it to promote patriotism and military recruitment.
It was a false flag... planes will never go through steel and concrete. Scientifically impossible... let alone fires burning down steel and concrete.
Building 7 was brought down the same way (thermite and explosives), 1km away, no planes hit it. Normies always forget about Building 7.
Retarded normies use it to promote patriotism and military recruitment.
And the people dancing on a nearby rooftop after the plane hit.
And the people dancing on a nearby rooftop after the plane hit.
It was probably just a weird coincidence but back in 1999, Alex Jones was starting off his pod-cast as a fairly young guy in his 20s. and he had these twin sisters called "The Psychic Twins" and they said that Middle Eastern Terrorist were going to hijack planes and fly them into the WTC. there is an audio of it out there. I'm surprized Alex kept spreading his strange shit really thinly because they called it. they said American Airlines I think. of course it was both AA and UA that got hijacked. also a 5th plane existed.
It was probably just a weird coincidence but back in 1999, Alex Jones was starting off his pod-cast as a fairly young guy in his 20s. and he had these twin sisters called "The Psychic Twins" and they said that Middle Eastern Terrorist were going to hijack planes and fly them into the WTC. there is an audio of it out there. I'm surprized Alex kept spreading his strange shit really thinly because they called it. they said American Airlines I think. of course it was both AA and UA that got hijacked. also a 5th plane existed.
I believe this has the audio?
It was probably just a weird coincidence but back in 1999, Alex Jones was starting off his pod-cast as a fairly young guy in his 20s. and he had these twin sisters called "The Psychic Twins" and they said that Middle Eastern Terrorist were going to hijack planes and fly them into the WTC. there is an audio of it out there. I'm surprized Alex kept spreading his strange shit really thinly because they called it. they said American Airlines I think. of course it was both AA and UA that got hijacked. also a 5th plane existed.
Yeah dude is cointel pro psyop machine fagg.
I believe this has the audio?
Alex Jones brought them in and it was then they said Plane attacks and United Airlines would be hijacked and flown into the World Finance Center (which is across from the towers) and the pentagon as well. there was first Art Bell (This one) and then Alex brought them in. this is when Alex was less of a money grubbing piece of shit selling his Snake Poisons. I remember some guy turning me onto that in early 2001 right after someone was posting this all over BBS forums. both dialup and web forums. then Alex said he checked with his "inside FBI friends" in May and told them it seemed legit. but they got the information from some prisoner hoping to exchange his knowledge for freedom and never got it. it's been so long now I forget the entire story but I do remember Alex Jones interviewing them as well. send him an email and ask if they have the tapes still
Alex Jones brought them in and it was then they said Plane attacks and United Airlines would be hijacked and flown into the World Finance Center (which is across from the towers) and the pentagon as well. there was first Art Bell (This one) and then Alex brought them in. this is when Alex was less of a money grubbing piece of shit selling his Snake Poisons. I remember some guy turning me onto that in early 2001 right after someone was posting this all over BBS forums. both dialup and web forums. then Alex said he checked with his "inside FBI friends" in May and told them it seemed legit. but they got the information from some prisoner hoping to exchange his knowledge for freedom and never got it. it's been so long now I forget the entire story but I do remember Alex Jones interviewing them as well. send him an email and ask if they have the tapes still
Alex Jones has always been a female to male cointel pro CIA faggot. He's literally Project Mockingbird...

Control the opposition before they leave the grassroots...
then Alex said he checked with his "inside FBI friends" in May and told them it seemed legit. but they got the information from some prisoner hoping to exchange his knowledge for freedom and never got it.
Alex Jones always gets his predictions proven right years later. I sometimes think he’s either on the fed’s payroll or he has psychic abilities.