Politics Transgender Autogynephilia: Why?


Autogynephilia is defined as a man's propensity to be aroused by imagining himself as a woman. Most transgender identified men are like this. And the questions I'll propose today are: Where does this come from? Does it say something about society?

To understand the modern gender ideology phenomenon, you have to understand autogynephilia. What drives a man to be aroused by himself as a woman? Could it be as simple as the wide availability of pornography twisting their mind? Or could it be a measure of the health of man and woman in society? Schizophrenia has been theorized to be a measure of spiritual health in a society, where schizophrenic individuals hear voices pertaining to what society needs to be careful of.

Could autogynephilia be telling us something similar? If so, what would it be? I'm curious about everyone's thoughts.
It’s a symptom of our society's war against traditional values and promotion of sexualization. Boundaries start to blur until they're unrecognizable, and things like pornography warps the mind into accepting every perverse fantasy as normal. You could say autogynephilia is a warning sign brought forth by nature to indicate a bleak future that awaits us if we do not change course.
A lot of trannies are autogynephilics because they have a humiliation fetish
They see some bimbo in tight clothing getting destroyed in porn, and then they think "wow, women are such pathetic whores. Getting fucked would be so degrading - but BEING a woman would be the most degrading thing imaginable. I would get so much sex. I want to be a woman now!"
Men exposed to extreme or deviant content start chasing new “highs,” and for some, that turns inward and they sexualize themselves. Society is creating generations of people addicted to self-constructed fantasies because reality doesn’t satisfy them anymore.
Autogynephilia is defined as a man's propensity to be aroused by imagining himself as a woman. Most transgender identified men are like this. And the questions I'll propose today are: Where does this come from? Does it say something about society?

To understand the modern gender ideology phenomenon, you have to understand autogynephilia. What drives a man to be aroused by himself as a woman? Could it be as simple as the wide availability of pornography twisting their mind? Or could it be a measure of the health of man and woman in society? Schizophrenia has been theorized to be a measure of spiritual health in a society, where schizophrenic individuals hear voices pertaining to what society needs to be careful of.

Could autogynephilia be telling us something similar? If so, what would it be? I'm curious about everyone's thoughts.
Fucking a normal isn't enough for them...