Gaming Tired of new vegas

Dumbest argument ever.
Creating an account on emulates becoming transgender.
You make a username for yourself just like how trannies give themselves a new name in replacement of their "deadname." You create a fake depiction of yourself with a profile picture just like how trannies try to make a false image of themselves with makeup, wigs, crossdressing, and surgeries. A small button to log out constantly lingers at the top of the screen behind your profile, just like how, when looking at their true selves in the mirror, an option to "log out of life" lingers in the minds of trannies.
Creating an account on emulates becoming transgender.
You make a username for yourself just like how trannies give themselves a new name in replacement of their "deadname." You create a fake depiction of yourself with a profile picture just like how trannies try to make a false image of themselves with makeup, wigs, crossdressing, and surgeries. A small button to log out constantly lingers at the top of the screen behind your profile, just like how, when looking at their true selves in the mirror, an option to "log out of life" lingers in the minds of trannies.
chudxisters i don't feel... so good.......