This site has been resurrected under a new administration


Staff member
Long story short: I contacted the previous admin and he told me the domain was up for sale. So, I bought it. The bad news? He didn't keep any of the original files. So we're back to square one. Luckily, we had the Telegram group for the trusted members and I've already let them know the site is operational again. I'm planning to try and keep it to it's original vision with some few adjustments that I believe will be beneficial for the forum's future. So let's all play our part and make the site even better than it's previous state. I will be posting the new and improved site guidelines shortly.
Also, if anyone can confirm you received a message from me in the TC so I know it got sent. The app has been buggy for me.
I'm not. I was a member for five months and was disappointed to see it shoa'd. Found out the domain was up for auction and decided why not. And I needed a dumping archive for conspiracies because 4chan is terrible.
Hmm ok. For now I'll believe it.
Also, if anyone can confirm you received a message from me in the TC so I know it got sent. The app has been buggy for me.
No (yes)