Caged This is

The irony, Most people who are left-wing and promote ideals such as diversity tend to be the palest people out there. While Chuds who violently oppose it and are against it tend to be the most brownest and most diverse people out there.
really says something abut white man's always right kek
Well, It’s sort of leading to the destruction of the white race
white "guilt" is at fault
after every strand of western euro-aryan supremacist ideal was dealt with (see 1945-50) the kikes started to rally up everyone about the defeat of le ebil crazy krauts and then talked about the war happening because of "lack of compassion" so they went to program everyone in the following years to think like the problem of our society is us being stubborn whitewashed chuddies with a shitload of mossad-led attacks and then started guilt tripping everyone so now the most gullible talk about letting inmigroids in while the most naturally hard-minded just become republicucks which is basically a washed-down sloppified version of true political rightfulness
white "guilt" is at fault
after every strand of western euro-aryan supremacist ideal was dealt with (see 1945-50) the kikes started to promote rally up everyone about the defeat of le ebil crazy krauts and then talked about the wat happening because of "lack of compassion" so they went to program everyone in the following years to think like the problem of our society is us being stubborn whitewashed chuddies with a shitload of mossad-led attacks and then started guilt tripping everyone so now the most gullible talk about letting inmigroids in while the most naturally hard-minded just become republicucks which is basically a washed-down sloppified version of true political rightfulness