{The World is a Stage}

get a rifle and a couple mags and you can pretty much fuck over 75% of the drone show all by yourself
Knows nothing about drones or rifles award.
Hitting a flying drone with a rifle isn't easy, they are quite large as well, one rifle round wouldn't do shit to it.

Also, those aren't even drones in the video you normie.
That’s what I did genius
Then you should know...
Then you should know...
What was it for?
Trvrhnvke I don’t know why nagolbud realized the message this image was conveying nor even read its name💀💀
Because I can take a punch and laugh at jokes at my own expense, especially when they are creative and funny, unlike you who get's butt hurt like a bitch and cries / deletes threads which gets your mod status taken away. Get rekt faggot.
Because I can take a punch and laugh at jokes at my own expense, especially when they are creative and funny, unlike you who get's butt hurt like a bitch and cries / deletes threads which gets your mod status taken away. Get rekt faggot.
Nigga that’s you💀 projection
Also I deleted an nsfw thread (on the schlog) you probably got mad you couldn’t goon to it
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