The Realm of Chudar {Map}

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I submitted two more locations just now.
I fell asleep last night. Gonna add them now and work on Chudom a bit. Still got Chechen on my damn hands can't do much else right now...
This is really cool pixel art btw, it def reminds me of AOE. Used to play AOE 2 & 3 all the time when I was younger.
@DOLL The terrain around the cities needs a little work but I can't match your style and it just doesn't look right to me. Here's a copy of the cities if you wanna play with the terrain. Actually I might have to upload them to the server so you can download an un-compressed version.


> Download UnCumped Version <


> Download UnCumped Version <


WH3k added the badass Chud statue to:
I gotta work on the ancient (destroyed) wall a bit, make it a bit more defined.
@DOLL The terrain around the cities needs a little work but I can't match your style and it just doesn't look right to me. Here's a copy of the cities if you wanna play with the terrain. Actually I might have to upload them to the server so you can download an un-compressed version.

View attachment 806
> Download UnCumped Version <

View attachment 807
> Download UnCumped Version <

View attachment 808

WH3k added the badass Chud statue to:
I gotta work on the ancient (destroyed) wall a bit, make it a bit more defined.
Ah, I think I know why. I was under the assumption that your kingdom was hidden in the fog of war beneath mine when the full map would finally be done. That's why everything is all crammed up at the top of my (full) section of the map and why the terrain looks different from the sprite work. I'll just submit the raw png from here on and give you an idea of what the terrain would look like if you want to do terrain. One sec for the raws...
Ah, I think I know why. I was under the assumption that your kingdom was hidden in the fog of war beneath mine when the full map would finally be done. That's why everything is all crammed up at the top of my (full) section of the map and why the terrain looks different from the sprite work. I'll just submit the raw png from here on and give you an idea of what the terrain would look like if you want to do terrain. One sec for the raws...
okay cool.
i tried a few different ways but it just doesn't match your style. you'll have to do the terrain I think.
yeah I'm trying to build a few things out so the template is more clear to understand for everyone... and it's a lot of trial and error right now.
New submission from:

Road kill looks awesome, road seems to have been from an old civilization though... seems the forest has taken it back over.
(was creating a path as well leading in each direction out of Chudom, so I had to add a broken path to your hex bro <3)
It's kind of a cool area that could turn into the highly advanced ancient city of Chudom, but it's in ruins.

Also seemed to discover 3 more Chud Statues, perhaps they were the ancient watch towers looking out to protect Chudom.
@DOLL Need to come up with a name for your "Zone"
I wanna add the zone titles above the map for each one.

Realm of the Gayman Sex DOLLS
Land of the Soyjakkers - City of Chudom - Unkown
WH3k - "A pond shaped like the crest of the ancient chosen people."
found something strange, some sort of ancient incelmorrhoid script.. an arrow directing him to some new location...

Like a pond or hot spring or some sort of beautiful thing....
I'm off to the Jungles of Chudericho since the Chud Ramy is being lazy.
^ What mysteries await..... time will tell.
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