Politics The life of being a slav


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There are many theories of how word slav appeared, some say it appeared from word glory in slavic, some say it came from word slave. Well, we experienced both conditions.
We used to be a free people who defended our land (even took down the khazar jews who were literal evil) but time came by and we got enslaved by various mongols, turks, prussians and other crap. Time passes by, here emerges the cossacks. Cossacks were literally the embodiment of free people. Cossack literally means "free man". Cossacks emerged from those who escaped the slavery the cucked poles and lithuanians were doing. But there was a thing, the niggerpuppet crimean tatars owned by turks constantly attacked the cossack territory just enslave the people and sell them to slavery and force them to convert to pisslam to be free. Turks were literally taking slavic children away from their parents to make them their slave warriors. After the decades of cossack glory the cucked russian tsardom decided to integrate the cossacks making it that people who lived on cossack territory will become serfs to the nobility and will be forced to work on field from sunrise to sunset. Russia had a serfdom law from 15th century until 1861 which made 80% of all peasants de facto slaves. And i did not mention that Poland had similar except the numbers were lower. Being a slav is not like being other white person such as germanic or roman.
There are many theories of how word slav appeared, some say it appeared from word glory in slavic, some say it came from word slave. Well, we experienced both conditions.
Linguistically, the connection is debated. Latin-speaking societies may have associated the term with slavery due to the sheer number of Slavs taken as slaves during certain periods, but this association doesn’t define the identity itself.