Why don't you keep your nose clean and get out?
w*manIs it a woman?
w*manIs it a woman?
Well, he sure can nag like one!Is it a woman?
The decision that single handedly saved chife or however we're calling this place for shortFrom real life.
You guys have convinced me. I will permanently suspend all women from posting.
Inb4 the site turns into incels.lifeFrom real life.
You guys have convinced me. I will permanently suspend all women from posting.
As long as the jannies (who do it for free) keep the site clean there should be no problems.Inb4 the site turns into
It's not that I believe that women should be shunned from politcal sphere but rather, almost every girl who is interacting with both the natsoc sphere or the soysphere is an attention whore who regurgitates whatever she hears without formulating her own ideasHow anti-women should we be? This won't be an incel forum but I find women get simped over anytime they reveal themselves in online spaces and it ruins the atmosphere. Should we ban on sight, or allow them if they are decent contributors?
agreed but I also believe women should be shunned from the political sphere in generalIt's not that I believe that women should be shunned from politcal sphere but rather, almost every girl who is interacting with both the natsoc sphere or the soysphere is an attention whore who regurgitates whatever she hears without formulating her own ideas
Anyone of under 30 years old should be shunned from politics in generalagreed but I also believe women should be shunned from the political sphere in general
Us zoomers are politically literate lolAnyone of under 30 years old should be shunned from politics in general
GENERALLY SPEAKING a man should not publicly take part in politics before he hasreached the age of thirty, though, of course, exceptions must be made in the case ofthose who are naturally gifted with extraordinary political abilities. That at least is myopinion to-day. And the reason for it is that until he reaches his thirtieth year orthereabouts a man's mental development will mostly consist in acquiring and siftingsuch knowledge as is necessary for the groundwork of a general platform from whichhe can examine the different political problems that arise from day to day and be able toadopt a definite attitude towards each. A man must first acquire a fund of general ideasand fit them together so as to form an organic structure of personal thought or outlookon life--a WELTANSCHAUUNG. Then he will have that mental equipment withoutwhich he cannot form his own judgments on particular questions of the day, and he willhave acquired those qualities that are necessary for consistency and steadfastness in theformation of political opinions. Such a man is now qualified, at least subjectively, totake his part in the political conduct of public affairs.Us zoomers are politically literate lol
Instead of having to wait such a long time to be able to vote, Introduction to testing (perhaps a citizenship test) to allow for voting would much more affectively weed out the undesirables from contributing, or rather being a detriment to the democratic process.Anyone of under 30 years old should be shunned from politics in general
They'd just water down the test or make it a checkbox on some form, like they do with everything else. What we need is a return to when voting meant something, when only those with a stake in the country had a say. People who actually contribute to society, not just leech off of it like weebhunter.Instead of having to wait such a long time to be able to vote, Introduction to testing (perhaps a citizenship test) to allow for voting would much more affectively weed out the undesirables from contributing, or rather being a detriment to the democratic process. shall defeat the Crystal Cafe Deep State and win against those seeking the destruction of the moidFroot’s female moderators have completely obliterated the sharty and it’s affiliates.
Crystal cafe deep state is advancing the eradication of moids.
they aren't relevant for shit kekFroot’s female moderators have completely obliterated the sharty and it’s affiliates.
Crystal cafe deep state is advancing the eradication of moids.