Politics The Faggotry of Public Transport


Well-known member
Public transport is just one amongst other things destroying our precious way of life. First off, on an individual level, taking public transport is something that could be classified as gay, here's why: By taking public transport, you are not in control like you would be when driving a car, for all you know you could be relying on a foid to be transporting you safely to your destination and we all know women can't drive. On top of that, taking public transport is very passive, if you are not doing anything to not have to rely on taking the bus then it could be a sign of low test.

On a more collective level, people who take public transport are usually the repulsive soyboy type who are holding flowers in the subway while their girlfriend at home is getting plowed by Tyrone. Leftist politics in general are being forced into urbanism as it is one of the pieces of the puzzle the elite need to control the population. By taking public transportation as your sole way of getting around, you are acknowledging that you are dependant on governement for pretty much everything. And we all know that political ideology transfers to sexuality and such.

The last thing I'd like to touch is that subways or trams usually attract immigrants that would not have came because of cold conditions (ex: Jew york city is a cold place that has lots of immigrants and the subway has sort of accommodated for the cold weather.) This is wildly known around the elites that lobby for these methods of public transportation to be put in every fucking big city.

There's only a finite amount of time before they ban all fuel-powered cars so take advantage of it before it's too late.
Public transport is just one amongst other things destroying our precious way of life. First off, on an individual level, taking public transport is something that could be classified as gay, here's why: By taking public transport, you are not in control like you would be when driving a car, for all you know you could be relying on a foid to be transporting you safely to your destination and we all know women can't drive. On top of that, taking public transport is very passive, if you are not doing anything to not have to rely on taking the bus then it could be a sign of low test.

On a more collective level, people who take public transport are usually the repulsive soyboy type who are holding flowers in the subway while their girlfriend at home is getting plowed by Tyrone. Leftist politics in general are being forced into urbanism as it is one of the pieces of the puzzle the elite need to control the population. By taking public transportation as your sole way of getting around, you are acknowledging that you are dependant on governement for pretty much everything. And we all know that political ideology transfers to sexuality and such.

The last thing I'd like to touch is that subways or trams usually attract immigrants that would not have came because of cold conditions (ex: Jew york city is a cold place that has lots of immigrants and the subway has sort of accommodated for the cold weather.) This is wildly known around the elites that lobby for these methods of public transportation to be put in every fucking big city.

There's only a finite amount of time before they ban all fuel-powered cars so take advantage of it before it's too late.
Good idea, The jeets WILL swarm you on any bus
Good idea, The jeets WILL swarm you on any bus
Eurochads don't need cars, I can just walk to where I need.

Fuck paying for car

Fuck paying car insurance

Fuck paying inflated fuel

Fuck paying car tax

Fuck paying MOT

Fucking dealing with dumb road laws

Fuck dealing with kevin logan drivers
Based for Healthmaxxing but Europe has some of the best public transport infrastructure in the world.
I wouldn’t mind as much if we lived in a high-trust society. You’d at least feel safe knowing the people around you share your values and culture. Instead, you’re packed into a tin can with random strangers who have zero respect for you.
there were trams in europe in the 1930's and they were perfectly normal
the reason it sucks ass now is because lowlifes and shitskins appropiated it bcause they're too retarded to work and get their own method of transportation (electric bikes and scooters don't count)