History Steppe Niggers act just like Pajeets

They preferred Russian and Turkish influence/protection over westoid influence. The french were no good at fighting off the rebels terrorizing his country, but we are. That's why.
What makes you think Niggers deserve any level of autonomy? Of course niggers will prefer other niggers, they have pea-sized brains.
Nigger if you are not european you are inherently a degenerate. Niggers like you always distract from the racial reality. I would take one European faggot over a "MUH based" Nigger and I hate faggots.
Christcucks are incredibly naïve. They would welcome hordes of illegals in their country as long as they worship the same emaciated kike on a cross as they do.
Blud really just said he'd prefer homosexuals over straights
faggots unless they have committed severe sins are still able to change and follow the path of god, the first option isn't necessarily executing them with a rusty machete, niggers are dumb by genetics, it's irredeemable and even if it wasn't genetics, the fact of them being of negro race in a place of white culture will just not be compatible and will fall into chaos in less than 4 generations
Pajeet, Steppe Niggers (Slavs), Wetbacks all seek European approval, and try to cope and say "We're basically White! We're not like ____ niggers". They then soy out when Europeans tell them they are not European. No, you will never be white. Stop coping. If you want to be proud of your civilization, then be proud of it. Unfortunately in the case of steppe niggers they don't have much to be proud of, because they have created nothing independently and have entirely relied on Europeans bringing them civilization. Deep down they seek approval because they know they are an inferior culture and people.

"Ukraine vs Russia, WHOS KEYED???" Nigga, they are both mongoloid orcs fighting over mongoloid orc shit as they have for their entire history. If you as a European feel personally involved with either side, don't. They suffer from thousands of years of malnutrition eating grass, frozen dirt, and the occasional beetroot. If you are a slav, do not try to lump yourself in with Europeans. You will never be one, keep fighting your orc wars.
a. Slavs are genetically completely of European extract, and actually have the most indigenous European Hunter Gatherer DNA in Europe. Several obviously White populations like East Germans, Prussians, and Austrians have heavy Slavic ancestry
b. Slavs have an average IQ over 1SD above Indians
c. Slavs are not from the Steppe at all, they're from Polesia. They're "Swampniggers" if anything

The only Slavs with significant East Eurasian ancestry are Northern Russians, where it still doesn't typically exceed 10%
a. Slavs are genetically completely of European extract, and actually have the most indigenous European Hunter Gatherer DNA in Europe. Several obviously White populations like East Germans, Prussians, and Austrians have heavy Slavic ancestry
b. Slavs have an average IQ over 1SD above Indians
c. Slavs are not from the Steppe at all, they're from Polesia. They're "Swampniggers" if anything

The only Slavs with significant East Eurasian ancestry are Northern Russians, where it still doesn't typically exceed 10%
"We're only 10% Mongoloid I swear!!!"
The European extract you're mentioning includes slavs, so it's flawed in of itself. "If we categorize slavs as Europeans, they're Europeans!!" - Very intelligent analysis. Slavic DNA IS subhuman DNA. Look at history and haplogroups, slavs have contributed nothing to civilization. And haplogroups common among eastern slavs are very different from haplogroups common among western (TRUE) europeans.
Yes, the fact that east Germans have high admixture is unfortunate, that's not a gotcha.

While east germans do have a bit of slav subhuman DNA, the rest is completely European DNA. In the case of russoid DNA they have 80% slav subhuman with most of the rest being more mongol subhuman DNA.
"We're only 10% Mongoloid I swear!!!"
The European extract you're mentioning includes slavs, so it's flawed in of itself. "If we categorize slavs as Europeans, they're Europeans!!" - Very intelligent analysis. Slavic DNA IS subhuman DNA. Look at history and haplogroups, slavs have contributed nothing to civilization. And haplogroups common among eastern slavs are very different from haplogroups common among western (TRUE) europeans.
Yes, the fact that east Germans have high admixture is unfortunate, that's not a gotcha.
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While east germans do have a bit of slav subhuman DNA, the rest is completely European DNA. In the case of russoid DNA they have 80% slav subhuman with most of the rest being more mongol subhuman DNA.
>If we categorize Slavs as Europeans, they're Europeans!
Pick a standard for what makes someone "European" or "White". It will either be ridiculously narrow, or it will include at least some slavs. The genetic distance between Danes and Poles is less than that between Northern and Southern Han, maybe even between Northern and Southern Frenchmen.
>Slavic DNA IS subhuman DNA. Look at history and haplogroups, slavs have contributed nothing to civilization
While I certainly prefer Western Europeans, Slavs are still more represented among eminent figures than perhaps every non-European race. Copernicus, Curie, Markov, Banach, Chebyshev, Tchaikovsky, Repin, Rachmaninoff, Dvorak, Chopin

The feature of Slavs that makes them stand out genetically is their high Western Hunter Gatherer DNA, so you are basically angry that they are too indigenous to Europe...
While I certainly prefer Western Europeans, Slavs are still more represented among eminent figures than perhaps every non-European race. Copernicus, Curie, Markov, Banach, Chebyshev, Tchaikovsky, Repin, Rachmaninoff, Dvorak, Chopin
Chinese mog slavs sry... All the slavs you mentioned were building off European work, and only successful due to European civilization.

edit: also besides the first 4 those are all composers/painters bruh
It's narrow.
Can we get a map maybe?
Chinese mog slavs sry... All the slavs you mentioned were building off European work, and only successful due to European civilization.
You could make the exact opposite argument as well, that the Chinese made most of their discoveries early, when there were still plenty of low hanging fruits to be picked like gunpowder and matrices.
Can we get a map maybe?

You could make the exact opposite argument as well, that the Chinese made most of their discoveries early, when there were still plenty of low hanging fruits to be picked like gunpowder and matrices.
No, they actually found things independently of Europeans which is why I respect them. Slavs found a few things after being gifted literally everything by Europeans.
No, they actually found things independently of Europeans which is why I respect them. Slavs found a few things after being gifted literally everything by Europeans.
Russians score #6 of European inventors according to Murray, so it is likely they actually invented more than the Chinese.

Can we get a map maybe?
Made this very quickly, so some errors to be found, but this is the overall idea. The definition of white is just a little bit less narrow than this. Some areas with admixture but European cultural dominance still colored red, orange areas more debatable. Cultural and linguistic history is very important in defining race too.
Russians score #6 of European inventors according to Murray, so it is likely they actually invented more than the Chinese.
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Yeah these types of graphs are cap, lots of fundamental things aren't counted as "discoveries." Russia found nothing important/fundamental independently, it was gifted by the west. And still being 6 after being given civilization by Europe, and having the largest population of any "European" country, and only being 6th is quite sad.