Soysphere General Discussion

The current admins & jannies are literal 'cord using pedos but any mention of that gets you 'nished instantly, but it's always been like that since even kuz. I think the biggest coal killing the sharty is Forced memes (i.e lennonjak, cobbert, Variant:Unknowns etc.) that are spammed by new users for weeks at a time until they get bored and/or replaced by a different newfag who spams the board. I was very active in the soysphere a while ago, but this new influx of horrible coal on the catty just ruins it. Now you can't even send 'cado, tnd or dnb without getting 'nished either.
All these somewhat new rules regarding gore really shows how rulecucked the sharty is, and how they don't care about thread quality or keeping away new xitter immigrants who shit up the website

i feel like its not an issue of nuvariants but rather just a social dip in the demographics of the site
so many years and slowly tolerating standard normgroid behaviour led to it becoming a stale shithole
that combined with the inherent autism of recoloring mspaint drawings
The current admins & jannies are literal 'cord using pedos but any mention of that gets you 'nished instantly, but it's always been like that since even kuz. I think the biggest coal killing the sharty is Forced memes (i.e lennonjak, cobbert, Variant:Unknowns etc.) that are spammed by new users for weeks at a time until they get bored and/or replaced by a different newfag who spams the board. I was very active in the soysphere a while ago, but this new influx of horrible coal on the catty just ruins it. Now you can't even send 'cado, tnd or dnb without getting 'nished either.
All these somewhat new rules regarding gore really shows how rulecucked the sharty is, and how they don't care about thread quality or keeping away new xitter immigrants who shit up the website

also no more original gemmy content now we have slopjaks instead and this
The current admins & jannies are literal 'cord using pedos but any mention of that gets you 'nished instantly, but it's always been like that since even kuz. I think the biggest coal killing the sharty is Forced memes (i.e lennonjak, cobbert, Variant:Unknowns etc.) that are spammed by new users for weeks at a time until they get bored and/or replaced by a different newfag who spams the board. I was very active in the soysphere a while ago, but this new influx of horrible coal on the catty just ruins it. Now you can't even send 'cado, tnd or dnb without getting 'nished either.
All these somewhat new rules regarding gore really shows how rulecucked the sharty is, and how they don't care about thread quality or keeping away new xitter immigrants who shit up the website

did you ever get unbanned?
nope and hopefully will never be.

there hasn't been any gem for really a long time anyway, when I was browsing memes on the soybooru, I literally had to go to the oldest because new posts were, and probably still are, absolutely shit.
The site became shit under froot's administration
nope and hopefully will never be.

there hasn't been any gem for really a long time anyway, when I was browsing memes on the soybooru, I literally had to go to the oldest because new posts were, and probably still are, absolutely shit.
i dont know why but you always seem so hostile to the idea of us being any soysphere
nope and hopefully will never be.

there hasn't been any gem for really a long time anyway, when I was browsing memes on the soybooru, I literally had to go to the oldest because new posts were, and probably still are, absolutely shit.
now there is slopjaks instead of gems on the 'ru
I'd say very slightly. And I think that the only reason why people from the blog know about this place is because weebhunter3000 decided to shut the og down and move to the blog. There was also some immigrants in the very early days of the blog if I am remembering correctly. So basically, BLAME DA WEEBHUNTER.
yeah you're correct