Since Soyboyblog Shartytroon has this...


They have a gay link to the party and some new image board... but it's not chudliness.

If you add imageboard to your menu that links to i will add a menu link "forum" to here. and we win.
Just added the link to the top bar.
we so in bro. chud star rise up. chud ramy for life. chudarisee for the strife.. and the soyjak incel party boiz about to deepthroat the:

idk we'll have to work on the slogan... @Weebhunter3000
Nice! My pc needs a new ram stick but I use it as a workout schedule to keep me active while working so I haven't bought a new one. I do a mini workout every time it bluescreens once an hour or so...

But sometimes I lose documents an shit... lawl. Then Chud Star lost half its posts..

@Seraphim @Weebhunter3000 Any interest in adding a slot on the forum for Chud Star? For talking about posts and also a slot for improvements or suggestions. I wanted to ask what ya'll think could be done, if anything, to improve Chud Star or make it more in tune with

I really like the joint effort, it's really cool. Especially since I've been posting less on since its just over run with teeny boopers... the thread quality has gone down. I've noticed big time it's a bit more mature and intellectual here on which I enjoy...

Here people seem to want to support eachother whereas the 12 year olds on soyjakker just yell abbreviations and "STOP SHILLING YOUR BOOKS".

But for me I promote my shit and want to promote other peoples creative / business projects. It's not a one way street for me, I want to support my bros and their adventures...


I made sure to add links to from the AI blog on the /coc/ too so you get some SEO juice for Chud keywords too.
This is our competition right now for the chud keywords...

Maybe I should e-mail them and see if we can setup a link exchange. I'm curious why they called it chuds bbq lol

they have fuckin 400k subs. wtf i gotta scope them out.


Is this secretly you @Weebhunter3000


Affiliate marketing opportunity?
This is our competition right now for the chud keywords...

Maybe I should e-mail them and see if we can setup a link exchange. I'm curious why they called it chuds bbq lol

they have fuckin 400k subs. wtf i gotta scope them out.

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Is this secretly you @Weebhunter3000


Affiliate marketing opportunity?
That would be funny as hell. I assume they predate the chud meme before it meant “right-wing” male.