To try and describe it in brevity, I found myself at odds with many of the beliefs of both Baptist thought and Protestantism at large (the lack of a church structure and church tradition to interpret the scriptures, for example, was what originally pushed me towards reflecting deeply on my beliefs regarding the church, for it seemed strange that the early church founded by the Apostles simply faded away into such a disorganized concept of an "invisible church" at some unknown date for whatever reason, only to be brought back into full swing a millennia-and-a-half later), and, after reading quite a bit online about the structure of Orthodoxy, its history, and from textual works of the church fathers like Saint Justin Martyr and Saint John Chrysostom, ultimately I felt, with a passion in my heart that I can only believe came to me during that process of study by the blessing of the Holy Spirit, that Orthodoxy was the truth, and that the Eastern Orthodox Church was the truthful continuation of Christ's congregation.
So, now that I've accidentally regressed on my statement to try and describe it in brevity, to still fulfill that promise by putting things briefly, my conversion was a mixture of intellectual study (and subsequent comparison of those findings with other church doctrines) and an irrational, supernatural feeling in my heart that I believe was a blessing from God that provided me with passion and trust in this one true church of Christ.