Politics Other "Liberal" Chuds? Also AMA about being a liberal chud, and my cope.

I'm fine with women voting. There should be literacy and intelligence tests though. I disagree with direct democracy on large scales too, it can work in towns/cities, but anything large scale should be representative.
to be honest even with literacy and intelligence tests they'll get rebellious sooner or later, its just in their chromosomes, a meter isn't enough for them
explain your point
There are a few examples of holy Blacks to bring up (within Christianity, anyway) that point towards Hamitic peoples still clearly possessing souls. One would be the Ethiopian pilgrim who Saint Philip meets and baptizes in the Book of Acts, and another would be the African saints themselves, such as Saint Moses the Ethiopian or Saint Elesbaan, or the plentiful other holy men who came from Nubia and Ethiopia.
Why? Men who own property should be the only citizens allowed to vote. I can’t see that causing any difficulties.
Men who own property, while typically much more intelligent than the average citizen still can be easily propagandized. Do you think every land owner will take their time to read up on every modern political situation and keep up to date with current geopolitics? Do you think legislation will even be able to pass with over 77 million voters? even IF and this is a very large IF, People manage to agree, consider how long it will take for them to count each of these votes and how many times this entire process most be undertaken. On the federal scale a system such as this is impossible.
Men who own property, while typically much more intelligent than the average citizen still can be easily propagandized. Do you think every land owner will take their time to read up on every modern political situation and keep up to date with current geopolitics? Do you think legislation will even be able to pass with over 77 million voters? even IF and this is a very large IF, People manage to agree, consider how long it will take for them to count each of these votes and how many times this entire process most be undertaken. On the federal scale a system such as this is impossible.
Makes sense. Seems like National Socialism really is the only system compatible with modern society.
There are a few examples of holy Blacks to bring up (within Christianity, anyway) that point towards Hamitic peoples still clearly possessing souls. One would be the Ethiopian pilgrim who Saint Philip meets and baptizes in the Book of Acts, and another would be the African saints themselves, such as Saint Moses the Ethiopian or Saint Elesbaan, or the plentiful other holy men who came from Nubia and Ethiopia.
i guess some ethiopians can be spared considering they're an important factor for african christianity and they have made some good buildings on his name, also considering there are some important manuscripts being protected there
still the rest are STILL jungle-dwelling niggers so i wouldn't bother with trying to justify them being considered as human beings
i guess some ethiopians can be spared considering they're an important factor for african christianity and they have made some good buildings on his name, also considering there are some important manuscripts being protected there
still the rest are STILL jungle-dwelling niggers so i wouldn't bother with trying to justify them being considered as human beings
Aren't you a Catholic? There are almost 300 million catholics in Africa and pretty much all of them care about their faith more than catholic europeans do. What do you think about those?
Aren't you a Catholic? There are almost 300 million catholics in Africa and pretty much all of them care about their faith more than catholic europeans do. What do you think about those?
being passive about your faith does not equal caring less about it
>care about their faith more than catholic europeans
my sides KEK
why when i go to church i only see senile people and a couple of youngs instead of the supposedly more devoted africans
most of the niggers in the west will spend time doing their favorite nigger activities like listening to trap and doing niggerweed, and even the ones in their homeland will go about shagging their own countrymen and brothers in christ, and the ones that aren't thugs are crazy fundamentalists, basically nigger boomers that'll dismember their own kids because they mentioned his name in vain once

What about these jungle dwellers?
they gotta learn how to build a society first
no purpose on praying for god and then a week later an elephant from the nearby savanna destroys the church or a crazed nigger massacres 15 churchgoers because of a dirty deal or just druggie delirium, they need to take it more seriously, that's why im not fond of ethnic catholics considering they will just beg for god but never actually try to do change, god works by doings not by a shining light from heaven dropping a crate full of gibs
being passive about your faith does not equal caring less about it
>care about their faith more than catholic europeans
my sides KEK
why when i go to church i only see senile people and a couple of youngs instead of the supposedly more devoted africans
Maybe it's because you live in europe bruh

This is just cope on your part because all the studies and frankly reality itself shows that African Catholics are the most devout catholics in the world. When vatican was pushing through with fiducia supplicans which basically allows for faggotry, catholic clergy from the african continent were the ones who spoke out the most against it. I was also researching candidates for the next pope after francis kicks the bucket, and I realized all the european candidates are globohomo loving cuckolds while the African candidates are the ones who actually give a shit about eradicating degeneracy from the church.

Imagine that, there are no proper catholics left in rome so the entire religion depends on guys from fucking congo to survive. Shit is embarrassing.

Anyway, I won't derail this thread any further
There are a few examples of holy Blacks to bring up (within Christianity, anyway) that point towards Hamitic peoples still clearly possessing souls. One would be the Ethiopian pilgrim who Saint Philip meets and baptizes in the Book of Acts, and another would be the African saints themselves, such as Saint Moses the Ethiopian or Saint Elesbaan, or the plentiful other holy men who came from Nubia and Ethiopia.
You can't really group Ethiopians with true negroids (Sub-Saharans). While negroids are a different species, Ethiopians are more like subhuman given high negroid admixture. Ethiopians are a part of the larger genetic group that left Africa (Though, obviously the Ethiopians stayed), and historically have seen some civilizational success (Sub-Saharans could not figure out a wheel). They were the only African region to mostly resist colonialism for a reason. Unfortunately, within the past thousand years, and accelerated within the past few centuries, they began interbreeding with negroids in the region and have quickly seen a complete civilizational decline. Most tribal groups and ethnicities in the country today are basically negroid.
Men who own property, while typically much more intelligent than the average citizen still can be easily propagandized. Do you think every land owner will take their time to read up on every modern political situation and keep up to date with current geopolitics? Do you think legislation will even be able to pass with over 77 million voters? even IF and this is a very large IF, People manage to agree, consider how long it will take for them to count each of these votes and how many times this entire process most be undertaken. On the federal scale a system such as this is impossible.
My biggest concern with national socialism, and authoritarian systems in general, is the transfer of power after the leader's death. It seems like the worst civilizational collapses happen during times like these, as pent-up discontent cannot be released due to suppression, so it all emerges in short periods. Could you elaborate on how national socialism avoids this common pitfall of authoritarian systems? I ask this in good faith.
i guess some ethiopians can be spared considering they're an important factor for african christianity and they have made some good buildings on his name, also considering there are some important manuscripts being protected there
still the rest are STILL jungle-dwelling niggers so i wouldn't bother with trying to justify them being considered as human beings
Remember though, it's likely that the common ancestor of the Jews originated in Ethiopia. Some ethiopian ethnicities are now the jews closest relatives. It's honestly a really complicated history.
What about these jungle dwellers?
You can oppose TND without having to try to act like sub-saharan negroids are humans IMO. They're a hominid relative, and still relatively smart compared to other animals. I think it's best for both them and us if they are exclusively in Africa, and being happy swinging around the jungle and eating bananas.
Maybe it's because you live in europe bruh

This is just cope on your part because all the studies and frankly reality itself shows that African Catholics are the most devout catholics in the world. When vatican was pushing through with fiducia supplicans which basically allows for faggotry, catholic clergy from the african continent were the ones who spoke out the most against it. I was also researching candidates for the next pope after francis kicks the bucket, and I realized all the european candidates are globohomo loving cuckolds while the African candidates are the ones who actually give a shit about eradicating degeneracy from the church.

Imagine that, there are no proper catholics left in rome so the entire religion depends on guys from fucking congo to survive. Shit is embarrassing.

Anyway, I won't derail this thread any further
Just because they end up at the right conclusion on some issues doesn't mean they're not retarded. Also, do you really think if they isolated themselves, they wouldn't start adding retarded voodoo shit?
Maybe it's because you live in europe bruh

This is just cope on your part because all the studies and frankly reality itself shows that African Catholics are the most devout catholics in the world. When vatican was pushing through with fiducia supplicans which basically allows for faggotry, catholic clergy from the african continent were the ones who spoke out the most against it. I was also researching candidates for the next pope after francis kicks the bucket, and I realized all the european candidates are globohomo loving cuckolds while the African candidates are the ones who actually give a shit about eradicating degeneracy from the church.

Imagine that, there are no proper catholics left in rome so the entire religion depends on guys from fucking congo to survive. Shit is embarrassing.

Anyway, I won't derail this thread any further
whites should be the ones establishing order instead of niggers and thats why for the last years since ww2 their objective has been cuckifying white people to oblivion so the only saviours of morality would be spics and niggers
im sure out of thousands of christians in western europe there's gotta be atleast more than 100 willing to take the throne and do it better than a nigger
whites should be the ones establishing order instead of niggers and thats why for the last years since ww2 their objective has been cuckifying white people to oblivion so the only saviours of morality would be spics and niggers
im sure out of thousands of christians in western europe there's gotta be atleast more than 100 willing to take the throne and do it better than a nigger
he is a mudskin, ofc he's going to advocate for niggers.
whites should be the ones establishing order instead of niggers and thats why for the last years since ww2 their objective has been cuckifying white people to oblivion so the only saviours of morality would be spics and niggers
im sure out of thousands of christians in western europe there's gotta be atleast more than 100 willing to take the throne and do it better than a nigger
anyone whos seeking to put niggers in charge of their religion is retarded, and spewing kike propaganda.

the only place niggers should be is in a big zoo in africa.
he is a mudskin, ofc he's going to advocate for niggers.
he got me with the western candidates and their kikeness but then i remembered (((they))) need to test each candidate one by one and that would just make it a piece of cake for making people vote the niggers in contrast of zogged homosexuals