Point 7:
"We demand that the State make it its duty to provide opportunities of employment first of all for its own citizens. If it is not possible to maintain the entire population of the State, then foreign nationals (non-citizens) are to be expelled from the Reich."
Point 10:
"The first duty of every citizen must be to work mentally or physically. The activities of the individual must not clash with the general interest, but must proceed within the framework of the community and for the general good."
Point 11:
"We demand the abolition of incomes unearned by work, the breaking of debt (interest)-slavery."
Point 14:
"We demand profit-sharing in large industrial enterprises."
Point 15:
"We demand the extensive development of insurance for old age."
Point 16:
"We demand the creation and maintenance of a sound middle class; the immediate communalization of large department stores, which are to be leased at low rates to small tradesmen. We demand the most careful consideration for the owners of small businesses in orders placed by national, state, or municipal authorities."
Point 17:
"We demand land reform suitable to our national requirements; the passing of a law for the expropriation of land for communal purposes without compensation; the abolition of ground rent, and the prohibition of all speculation in land."
Point 21:
"The State must apply itself to raising the standard of health in the nation. It must protect the mother and child, make abortion punishable by law, promote childbearing, and make the destruction of juvenile delinquency by means of legal institutions impossible, by promoting physical training and sports."
A few points from the 25 points of the NDSAP (1920), specifically ones which relate to public welfare, If you agree with any of these, You are a dirty, evil, baby eating, jewish hating, satan worshipping Nazi.
PS: It's hard asf to find a proper german translation, Most """museums""" (or online encyclopedias) which supply these texts which either alter the original text, or not translate it properly