Politics Other "Liberal" Chuds? Also AMA about being a liberal chud, and my cope.


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AMA. In short I'd say I agree with Jews and want an ethno state (In the loose sense, I just want whites but I don't think all of these whites need to come from one super specific ethnic background, more like a USA for whites only than France for French only). I'd say the backbone of my thought that separates me from modern liberalism is the "scientific racism" movement of early 1900s, which has since then been suppressed.
Are you in favor of race-based eugenics like liberals were before WW2?
Yes. I wish we had kept the same intellectual rigor we did pre WW2, because some aspects don't hold up and could use further studies, but if you tried today you'd be suppressed.
Yes. I wish we had kept the same intellectual rigor we did pre WW2, because some aspects don't hold up and could use further studies, but if you tried today you'd be suppressed.
It’s crazy to think about how different the world would be if the Nazis hadn’t come to power and caused eugenics to become taboo. Even feminists, of all people, were pro-eugenics back then.
It’s crazy to think about how different the world would be if the Nazis hadn’t come to power and caused eugenics to become taboo. Even feminists, of all people, were pro-eugenics back then.
It's unfortunate that any discussion of racial differences nowadays means you get tied with people of a very different ideology. Acknowledging basic facts doesn't mean you are going to agree with every "solution." We must embrace ideological diversity in chud circles (besides fucking communism)

In regards to fascism, it's sad that the vast majority of discussions disagreeing with it rely on the creation of huge lies, or just screaming "MUH RACISMO" instead of engaging with it intellectually. Niggas will strawman.
It's hard to not see that multiracial societies failed, and mainly that blacks are violent and don't have souls. Everything would be better in a white ethnostate. Any other political discussion is a nothingburger.
To me they're just like modern neanderthals or some other hominid group which diverged, so in a way just like animals. I think a conservationist/biologist view really explains black behavior quite well; in places like Europe and America they behave like an invasive species, destroying the ecosystem (In this case society). They ought to be returned to their native habitat, and due to their high intelligence (In comparison to other animals) that process should be done as humanely as possible.
Are you in favor of race-based eugenics like liberals were before WW2?
I try to interpret eugenics with a modern lens, incorporating new findings in anthropology and the advent of genetics research. In my view modern hominids can be split into 3.5 groups.

1. Aboriginals and Polynesians or Out of Africa 1 (OOA1): This common ancestors of this group left about 200,000 years ago, with the migration out happening over a short period of time. They tend to have many more basal traits, and are highly interbred with early Denisovans, mixing far more than Altaic people would with them or even how much Indo-Europeans would with Neanderthals. There's even evidence OOA1 interbred with the last of homo-erectus. Historically the results of this can be seen, failing to outcompete really any group, and eventually being forced out of Asia, living on the fringes in modern Oceania. Technologically they never advanced very far, despite having much more time to settle than any other humans. Basically, they peaked with some simple astronomy. They never created writing, and many languages in this group don't even have a concept of time. Their brains tend to be the smallest of any modern group of hominids. This group is not an area of expertise for me, so I won't elaborate further here.

2. Altaic-Indo-European people or Out of Africa 2 (OOA2): This group includes all non-Africans and non-OOA1. The common ancestor of this group left Africa 60-70,000, and again this all happened in a short period of time. Furthermore, OOA2 can be split into three subgroups
A). Only neanderthal admixture
B). Mixed neanderthal and denisovan admixture
C). Only denisovan admixture
These early altaic-indo-europeans would easily outcompete and interbreed, eventually leading to the extinction of the neanderthals/denisovans. I believe that the genetic differences between these people tend to be overstated, and assertions pre WW2 eugenics made here have not aged well. Historically, all of these races within the Altaic-Indo-European group had built complex civilizations. Yes there are some differences but they are much more minor. The argument that normies make for blacks having insanely low iqs (MUH poverty MUH cultural differences), could actually be made in this case, because unlike blacks having IQ points that are literally 15-25 points below averages, races that perform poorly in the OOA2 group tend to only perform worse by like 5 points.

3. Stayed in Africa (Not including North Africa)
I don't really have to say much, they're really just a different species. Modern anthropological and genetic evidence supports basically all of eugenics claims about Africans. In terms of evolutionary differences, they had ample time to completely diverge. There's not much to be said that hasn't already been said here. I mean, they didn't even invent the wheel until it was shown to them. They've shown themselves largely incompatible with a complex society.
I just agree with liberal ideas, ideal form of government is a democracy, anti-TND, free speech is important, etc. In more modern contexts I agree with regulated markets
So you're more of a classical liberal then? I get the free speech and democracy part, but regulated markets sounds like you're closer to social democracy than what most people would call liberal nowadays.
So you're more of a classical liberal then? I get the free speech and democracy part, but regulated markets sounds like you're closer to social democracy than what most people would call liberal nowadays.
Liberal in the american sense ig, so yeah probably closest to social democrat on non race-related issues tbh
To me they're just like modern neanderthals or some other hominid group which diverged, so in a way just like animals. I think a conservationist/biologist view really explains black behavior quite well; in places like Europe and America they behave like an invasive species, destroying the ecosystem (In this case society). They ought to be returned to their native habitat, and due to their high intelligence (In comparison to other animals) that process should be done as humanely as possible.
It’s terrifying to know blacks have DNA that is 20% untraceable. We like to call them monkeys as a joke, but they literally ARE monkeys that are supposed to be swinging in the trees of Africa, not living in civilized society.
AMA. In short I'd say I agree with Jews and want an ethno state (In the loose sense, I just want whites but I don't think all of these whites need to come from one super specific ethnic background, more like a USA for whites only than France for French only). I'd say the backbone of my thought that separates me from modern liberalism is the "scientific racism" movement of early 1900s, which has since then been suppressed.
Fuck meant to say I agree about Jews, fuck jews
It’s terrifying to know blacks have DNA that is 20% untraceable. We like to call them monkeys as a joke, but they literally ARE monkeys that are supposed to be swinging in the trees of Africa, not living in civilized society.
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Yeah it's actually wild. It's funny af how basically any study doing DNA basically says this but then no one is actually allowed to say anything about it. Thank you, Judeo friends.
It’s okay to bring up the animal kingdom and it’s many species and sub-species but don’t you dare apply that to humans.
Tell a normie to read about how different African pygmies are and they'll still say it's impossible that their could be any intellectual differences between people who separated from us 200,000 years ago lol
What is your religious background?
Didn't grow up religious, and still not religious.

I think arguments about the societal use religion are persuasive, but honestly, it's not an area I've read up on enough. From what I know, Christianity is clearly the best of the major religions, and has historically been a net-good force. In terms of modern politics, I'd say I believe in freedom of religion to an extent, but I think there needs to be intervention to stop the spread of things like Islam which pose an existential threat.