News Normies on tiktok know about argatha and hyperborea now.


It was nice knowing y’all
Title; A year ago only 4channers and soyteens and other anons on the fringe of the internet knew about hyperborea and argatha and only we would discuss it and make memes out of it. Now today on tiktok and twitter normalFAGs are now making it trend and now they're meming it to death. Who do you think exposed them to this?
Its just a dog whistle for muh white pipu mog. No normie knows any actual lore or history
It always happens

Niche and cool ideas/concepts/games/art whatever gets made by chud outcasts and everyone thinks its weird, but then some nearcel normies get interested, then their normie friends get interested and expose their gfs to it, and before you know it is normified and dumbed down and run into the ground
It always happens

Niche and cool ideas/concepts/games/art whatever gets made by chud outcasts and everyone thinks its weird, but then some nearcel normies get interested, then their normie friends get interested and expose their gfs to it, and before you know it is normified and dumbed down and run into the ground
How do we stop this?
How do we stop this?
How do I beat omniman in mk1? : r/MortalKombat