On a semi-related + semi-unrelated note, in June 2024 I took a trip to Maine for vacation with family. After the vacation, I decided to look for the racial statistics because I realized that I saw a grand total of around 60~ blacks, if that, and yes, I started counted after realizing how white it felt. Everyone else I saw was white and chinese, with a possibility of the occasional jew that I just didn't bother to notice. Upon further research, I found out the state was over 90% white even as recently as, say, 2016. I figured it was going to be filled with blacks and browns, given it was a more leftist state and it bordered Canada. Nope, it was one of the whitest places I had ever seen.
Very leftist, I saw pride flags even on the churches which is why I still cannot support Maine. However, the streets were clean, the place was very peaceful, etc. This doesn't seem to be the only state where it is the case. Comparing it to my home in the south, where any place that's not extremely rich is overrun with niggers or spics, it felt like an entirely different country. I saw more blacks at my old high school in a day than I saw within an entire week during that trip, and I am still amazed. If you can get the fag-shit out of the churches there, then I would probably be able to declare it one of the best states. In the same month right before the Maine trip, I had also visited Texas, and as you'd expect, night and day difference. The vast majority of the white people I saw there were my family. Most of them were spics, but niggers were rather common too. Texas felt like a nigger-ran hellhole, Maine felt like one of the most peaceful places I've seen in a while.
If things are not fixed within a few decades, I suspect the south will, unfortunately, become much like these liberal states in their belief, and they too will begin putting fag-flags on the churches, except they're brown as well. Although, because of neoconservatives being pathetic cunts, we're slowly becoming particularly retarded too even in smaller towns. Currently, we have too many browns, more so because of large cities where blacks or hispanics will make up the majority of the population, but even outside of them, it has started being a problem over the past many years. On the neoconservative though, they are the reason you see stuff like "trans conservative" and it isn't some sort of bait. Luckily, the difference between these "conservatives" and proper right-wingers can be noticed easily. The most damning of which involves the neo-"conservative" thoughts on the Civil Rights Act, and the Civil Rights Era in general, and arguably their thoughts on Israel as well. The more obvious involves how they treat so-called "trans conservatives", "gay conservatives", etc given the uptick in these "conservatives". They are all mentally ill retards, with most of them merely being progressives from 10-20 years ago, therefore, any support for these type is arguably perfect proof that the "conservative" you're seeing is a neocon, and his beliefs almost certainly contributed to the issues we have today.
I could go on, maybe I should make a thread.