forum's best member
i cannot fucking stand them
they either sit down on the disabled people seats which most decent (white) people leave for senile persons, come in gangs and talk loudly in their ugly nigger accent with obscenities and filthy discussion topics without any shame, sometimes bringing some bottom alley whore with them which is often white (but they're probably pisstern jewropeans untermensch anyways) and the fat negress mothers always bring their ugly niglets in their carts and take up a good portion of space each
they won't bother controlling their niglets and shout at them from the other half of the bus, they often come in packs of 4-5 and they always take up the same routes in the same time everyday because they're too retarded to get a car so they prefer annoying everyone in the bus with their niglets until they become big enough to nig around without supervision
i haven't found many screaming niglets which would sound weird but it kind of makes sense because the niglets have the birth instinct of not screaming on the bus with theirm others because they know they're getting destroyed on the spot though some of their parents (mostly mothers) look too retarded to take action if that scenario was conceived so they would just sit in shame and wait until they finish their tantrum because in their heads it's either doing that or spanking them, premeditated measures isn't a concept to niggers and other savages alike
not only all of that and more that i can't name right now, but their presence itself is fatiguing, when you take some certain routes it really puts into picture just how many of them are residing on our lands because of kikelords guilt-tripping the common normgroid into importing them en-masse because uhhhh look at this picture of a poor niglet playing in the mud, wouldn't it make you want to import 10 million of them together with their parents and relatives without any care of long-term consequences? they're pretty docile when you give them vapes and a spotify subscription btw (which is paid off by their parents' plumbing job in the local fast food place), they're all fucking disgusting to look at and i thought when i left spicland it would be the last time i ever had to face such mishaps of god, if they were even birthed to existence by him
i could name more but i really don't note any of their bad points because my brain automatically nullifies their existence when they get into a 10m radius from me
reinstate segregation please i cannot take it anymore
they either sit down on the disabled people seats which most decent (white) people leave for senile persons, come in gangs and talk loudly in their ugly nigger accent with obscenities and filthy discussion topics without any shame, sometimes bringing some bottom alley whore with them which is often white (but they're probably pisstern jewropeans untermensch anyways) and the fat negress mothers always bring their ugly niglets in their carts and take up a good portion of space each
they won't bother controlling their niglets and shout at them from the other half of the bus, they often come in packs of 4-5 and they always take up the same routes in the same time everyday because they're too retarded to get a car so they prefer annoying everyone in the bus with their niglets until they become big enough to nig around without supervision
i haven't found many screaming niglets which would sound weird but it kind of makes sense because the niglets have the birth instinct of not screaming on the bus with theirm others because they know they're getting destroyed on the spot though some of their parents (mostly mothers) look too retarded to take action if that scenario was conceived so they would just sit in shame and wait until they finish their tantrum because in their heads it's either doing that or spanking them, premeditated measures isn't a concept to niggers and other savages alike
not only all of that and more that i can't name right now, but their presence itself is fatiguing, when you take some certain routes it really puts into picture just how many of them are residing on our lands because of kikelords guilt-tripping the common normgroid into importing them en-masse because uhhhh look at this picture of a poor niglet playing in the mud, wouldn't it make you want to import 10 million of them together with their parents and relatives without any care of long-term consequences? they're pretty docile when you give them vapes and a spotify subscription btw (which is paid off by their parents' plumbing job in the local fast food place), they're all fucking disgusting to look at and i thought when i left spicland it would be the last time i ever had to face such mishaps of god, if they were even birthed to existence by him
i could name more but i really don't note any of their bad points because my brain automatically nullifies their existence when they get into a 10m radius from me
reinstate segregation please i cannot take it anymore