new 'toss o algo

Adolf Hitler

Bring back White Excellence.
I met an American tourist who told me Mormons are the best Americans since they don't litter. She told me to move to Utah and avoid California at all costs.

She married a (((banker))) and now goes around the world. She really liked Brazil apparently. I was supposed to shoot her an email. Maybe I will today.
I met an American tourist who told me Mormons are the best Americans since they don't litter. She told me to move to Utah and avoid California at all costs.

She married a (((banker))) and now goes around the world. She really liked Brazil apparently. I was supposed to shoot her an email. Maybe I will today.
Hook me up.
yeah but where’s the street tacos and yummy Mexican food.
I met an American tourist who told me Mormons are the best Americans since they don't litter. She told me to move to Utah and avoid California at all costs.

She married a (((banker))) and now goes around the world. She really liked Brazil apparently. I was supposed to shoot her an email. Maybe I will today.
>Homogeneous Anglo-Saxon Ethno-religion
>Strong core values
>Love Jews

>if the Germans won, you would have had to learn... heckin' scary BIG WORDS!
tbh americans would fight tooth and nail to not learn any language, its incredible so many make it through highschool considering you need 2 language credits, and I don't get it, I've been learning french for some time and it's not bad if you're consistent
tbh americans would fight tooth and nail to not learn any language, its incredible so many make it through highschool considering you need 2 language credits, and I don't get it, I've been learning french for some time and it's not bad if you're consistent
It’s a waste of time and not applicable in most people’s lives. In what situation would you be in where knowing French was important?
It’s a waste of time and not applicable in most people’s lives. In what situation would you be in where knowing French was important?
I think that's a very shallow way of looking at it. I adore being multilingual, there is a pleasure in being able to understand and articulate yourself in multiple languages. Language is a very fascinating human construct, and being fluent in multiple tongues is also thought of highly in the world.
>buh it's waste of time
>t. dude on a reboot of an offshoot of an offshoot of an incel forum
French is useful if you want to live in France, unless the entire country becomes arabs in which case you'll need to learn a sandnigger language like Arabic.
Most migrants in France are Indians than Africans than Muslims who can be Arab or Berber or some other turd world mixture doebeit most Muslims/Arabs/Berbers in France are Algerian