Conspiracy Neo-Nazism is a psyop by the system to keep people divided

755 or whatever it’s called is a neo-nazi pedo satanist group connected with the atomwaffen and the feds. So members from the original atomwaffen later joined 755
I find this to be intellectually dishonest. 764 and the wider satanist splinter of Atomwaffen have certainly used tinkered doctrines of SIEGE and "accelerationism" in order to push their disgusting narratives, but this does not at all mean that Atomwaffen itself is a pedophilic or satanist-run organization. The American Futurist itself cut off all of its ties with James Mason after--among other despicable acts like adultery--the revelations of James' employment of a known pedophile (named Wulfrik) came to their knowledge, and fellows like the one you're replying to, like SiegeChud, are not at all adherent to any such "pedo satanism."
I find this to be intellectually dishonest. 764 and the wider satanist splinter of Atomwaffen have certainly used tinkered doctrines of SIEGE and "accelerationism" in order to push their disgusting narratives, but this does not at all mean that Atomwaffen itself is a pedophilic or satanist-run organization. The American Futurist itself cut off all of its ties with James Mason after--among other despicable acts like adultery--the revelations of James' employment of a known pedophile (named Wulfrik) came to their knowledge, and fellows like the one you're replying to, like SiegeChud, are not at all adherent to any such "pedo satanism."
you say the atomwaffen isn’t pedo ran yet until 2022 one of the most influential figures in it was a pedo and degenerate. You can say they cut off ties with them but there are 100% secret satanic pedos still there and the average atomwaffen member isn’t much better then satanic pedos.
it’s also incredibly funny that those neo-nazis pretend to be anti degeneracy yet the one “Christian” guy (might be wrong) in the group had child porn and the biggest child exploitation ring on the internet is directly splintered from ex members:cage:
And I suppose these are social constructs made by muh ebil nazis to separete the "working class", right?
Almost Everything is a social construct buddy. but some social constructs are used to oppress and to subjugate people. The justice system and law is used to make people believe they have a chance against the system when they never do. Prisons are used to beat down rebellious people into the slave system. The media is used to psyop the public to keep total control of your thoughts and wants. And there’s more and more
idk nigga ive been living in atlana selling fent type shit nigga
King Von.webp
Europe is a shithole now and is technologically behind Asia, North America, Africa, and the Middle East.
in what universe KEK
its only a shithole now because guess (((who))) is subjugating european integrity and civilization with the constant importing of inmigroids and promoting of lefties and fags
The only time Europe was ahead was when they were raping, genociding, and enslaving entire continents, pathetic. And because of those European systems the entirety of humanity is enslaved
every folk worldwide has raped, genocided and enslaved but we were just better at it, it was natural behaviour that everyone did and we just won the race, even with those atrocious acts, we still reached a point where we asked ourselves if it was really a moral act and stopped doing it unlike (((another))) group of people (hint: they were once enslaved by us) and we bothered to bring civilization onto their countries, which they wouldn't have even bothered to do if they ever were to conquest the white man, but then that would have never happened because then we would be inferior to browns and that is definitely not factual in the slightest, "humanity" is only enslaved to their own chains, the age of european world dominance ended long ago and only jew-controlled proxies are left now, they are destroying every white-controlled place in society after all so don't say its still heckin whitey because the jew proxies are located in europe, they have to control us because they can't do shit with shitskins other than use them as biological weapons and without their subjugation we would have raped them to the moon and back
we are being subjugated and destroyed by kikes that promote your exact line of thinking saying that its le burgerois that's massacring society, there will ALWAYS be a higher class in any WORKING society like it or not, the objective is to keep them under a ruler established by the state or they'll just go apeshit with degenerate shit (see: capitalism), it IS true that the modern bourgeois is doing an evil to society in general, but your solution is to see things in a small scale and support 1 of 2 movements controlled by them, and make a temporal solution for an eternal problem, you can keep abolishing the bourgeois but at the end the same group will be the one retaking the throne and it will be the same other groups collaborating with them towards destruction of civilized society (white society), a lot of these socialists didn't get the full memo but with a bit more clearance they can realize the real, effective solution to the problem, which is kikes and shitskins instead of anyone that buxxmogs you
we are being subjugated and destroyed by kikes that promote your exact line of thinking saying that its le burgerois that's massacring society, there will ALWAYS be a higher class in any WORKING society like it or not, the objective is to keep them under a ruler established by the state or they'll just go apeshit with degenerate shit (see: capitalism), it IS true that the modern bourgeois is doing an evil to society in general, but your solution is to see things in a small scale and support 1 of 2 movements controlled by them, and make a temporal solution for an eternal problem, you can keep abolishing the bourgeois but at the end the same group will be the one retaking the throne and it will be the same other groups collaborating with them towards destruction of civilized society (white society), a lot of these socialists didn't get the full memo but with a bit more clearance they can realize the real, effective solution to the problem, which is kikes and shitskins instead of anyone that buxxmogs you
The funny thing about all of this is we aren't even living in a capitalist society. What we have is a fusion of state and corporate power where the so-called bourgeois aren’t some independent class of self-made elites but glorified middlemen propped up by a managerial caste serving the interests of a globalist clique.
Almost Everything is a social construct buddy. but some social constructs are used to oppress and to subjugate people. The justice system and law is used to make people believe they have a chance against the system when they never do. Prisons are used to beat down rebellious people into the slave system. The media is used to psyop the public to keep total control of your thoughts and wants. And there’s more and more
>working societies are a social construct
Europe is a shithole now and is technologically behind Asia, North America, Africa, and the Middle East.
Yeah okay you're just lying now
I've been to both Europe and North Africa and I don't mean to talk down on my own country but Europe is way more developed than the Middle East & North Africa. I have zero clue where you might have even thought this is true.
755 or whatever it’s called is a neo-nazi pedo satanist group connected with the atomwaffen and the feds. So members from the original atomwaffen later joined 755
Atomic weapons division disbanded in 2022 and most of its former members went into other organizations that despise satanists like TAF you went there and you dont know any former members fbi subversion of AWD was less so sending agents in but promoting a bad ideology which resulted in some members acting more retarded


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yeah obviously they would say in public that if they didn’t they would be shut down by the fed automatically. It’s funny they say they don’t promote crime because “it won’t help le revolution” yet somehow they think a race war would
they believed in a possible future of such decay in stability that the government would collapse if they were to target anything it would be something related to power and electricity because a mass blackout is the most likely and optimal situation for accelerationists its closer to a militia that was overtly against the United States government
every folk worldwide has raped, genocided and enslaved but we were just better at it, it was natural behaviour that everyone did and we just won the race, even with those atrocious acts, we still reached a point where we asked ourselves if it was really a moral act and stopped doing it unlike (((another))) group of people (hint: they were once enslaved by us) and we bothered to bring civilization onto their countries, which they wouldn't have even bothered to do if they ever were to conquest the white man, but then that would have never happened because then we would be inferior to browns and that is definitely not factual in the slightest, "humanity" is only enslaved to their own chains, the age of european world dominance ended long ago and only jew-controlled proxies are left now, they are destroying every white-controlled place in society after all so don't say its still heckin whitey because the jew proxies are located in europe, they have to control us because they can't do shit with shitskins other than use them as biological weapons and without their subjugation we would have raped them to the moon and back
we are being subjugated and destroyed by kikes
You say all this as if you're european yourself. You're also a shitskin brown invader in cumskin lands by your own definition lil bro
I find this to be intellectually dishonest. 764 and the wider satanist splinter of Atomwaffen have certainly used tinkered doctrines of SIEGE and "accelerationism"
764 was a discord server and it’s named after the founders area code in Texas it has no ties to atomwaffen or accelerationist national socialism in general they just used the aesthetics because one of them thought swastikas where funny to make girls carve into their skins and another owned a skull mask they are all arrested and in prison the rest is just impersonators without any ties to the cord