Moon landing debate

i just don't see why they would go about faking it what would they gain alongside how much it would cost to do this
During the Cold War, the space race was less about exploration and more about one-upping the Soviets. If the US couldn't actually pull off landing on the moon due to primitive technology, faking it would keep the USSR from looking like the dominant superpower.
During the Cold War, the space race was less about exploration and more about one-upping the Soviets. If the US couldn't actually pull off landing on the moon due to primitive technology, faking it would keep the USSR from looking like the dominant superpower.
It doesn’t hold up when you consider the broader context. The Soviets were watching every move with their own tracking systems, and they never contested the landing’s legitimacy. If it were faked, it would’ve been a perfect propaganda piece for them to expose it.
It doesn’t hold up when you consider the broader context. The Soviets were watching every move with their own tracking systems, and they never contested the landing’s legitimacy. If it were faked, it would’ve been a perfect propaganda piece for them to expose it.
I never get when people say stuff like this, what's the argument here? Let's imagine the soviets did believe/know the americans faked the moon landing, what then? What's the game plan? Sound like a bunch of sore losers on their national television? Would be better to just take the L and go along with it
I never get when people say stuff like this, what's the argument here? Let's imagine the soviets did believe/know the americans faked the moon landing, what then? What's the game plan? Sound like a bunch of sore losers on their national television? Would be better to just take the L and go along with it
Just going along with it doesn't make sense for a government so invested in ideological competition. It wasn’t just about "winning" the space race but proving the superiority of their system over the capitalist one.
>Moonlanding is fake
>The sky is fake
>Clouds are fake
>The government is fake
>History is fake
>White people are fake
>Anywhere I don't live is fake
>The Sun is fake
>God is fake
>Twitter is fake
>Hurricanes are fake
>Snow is fake
>Christianity is fake
>Doctors are fake
>Rain is fake
>Lights are fake
>Earth is fake
>Water is fake
>Grass is fake
>Animals are fake
>Anyone I don't like is fake
>You're fake
>Moonlanding is fake
>The sky is fake
>Clouds are fake
>The government is fake
>History is fake
>White people are fake
>Anywhere I don't live is fake
>The Sun is fake
>God is fake
>Twitter is fake
>Hurricanes are fake
>Snow is fake
>Christianity is fake
>Doctors are fake
>Rain is fake
>Lights are fake
>Earth is fake
>Water is fake
>Grass is fake
>Animals are fake
>Anyone I don't like is fake
>You're fake
View attachment 3981 View attachment 3982
Nagolbud is a type of a guy who will scare the shit out of a kid who said "When i grow up i will go to the moon"
It doesn’t hold up when you consider the broader context. The Soviets were watching every move with their own tracking systems, and they never contested the landing’s legitimacy. If it were faked, it would’ve been a perfect propaganda piece for them to expose it.
It’s not like they were able to demand a UN fact-check. If anything, crying foul with no hard proof would make them look weak to the rest of the world.
>Moonlanding is fake
>The sky is fake
>Clouds are fake
>The government is fake
>History is fake
>White people are fake
>Anywhere I don't live is fake
>The Sun is fake
>God is fake
>Twitter is fake
>Hurricanes are fake
>Snow is fake
>Christianity is fake
>Doctors are fake
>Rain is fake
>Lights are fake
>Earth is fake
>Water is fake
>Grass is fake
>Animals are fake
>Anyone I don't like is fake
>You're fake
View attachment 3981 View attachment 3982
It's almost as if the satanic system lies...
Just going along with it doesn't make sense for a government so invested in ideological competition. It wasn’t just about "winning" the space race but proving the superiority of their system over the capitalist one.
If going along doesn't make sense why did they go along? It's not like lying was beyond them, they were winning the so called space race up until that point, so why didn't they cease the opportunity to accuse america of faking it? Personally, I think it's because it would've been a vain performance.

would it be a performancefor the domestic audience? Everyone was already under the governments thumb. They were already beyond propagandized and it's not like lies are unheard of for the communist regime, if they cared they could've just accused USA of faking it. If it could've been such potent propaganda, to hell with the truth! Since when is propaganda limited by truth?
Would it be a performance for the american people? What for? Would the american populace, who just watched a man step on the surface of moon on live television, trust an utterly demonized regime when it accuses their government of lying?
Would it be a performance for the rest of the world, to convince them that america is full of lies? Because that would just make USSR look like a sore loser.
This is all assuming the soviets did know it was faked. And who do we mean by soviets anyways? Which organ of the soviet government would be the one uncovering the plot? Which branch would take it upon itself to reveal the truth to the soviet people/the world? Would the general secretary himself go on national television to tell the people of the wicked american scheme to fool the world?

I just don't think the notion of "if moon landing was fake then the soviets would've said something" survives scrutiny
If going along doesn't make sense why did they go along? It's not like lying was beyond them, they were winning the so called space race up until that point, so why didn't they cease the opportunity to accuse america of faking it? Personally, I think it's because it would've been a vain performance.

would it be a performancefor the domestic audience? Everyone was already under the governments thumb. They were already beyond propagandized and it's not like lies are unheard of for the communist regime, if they cared they could've just accused USA of faking it. If it could've been such potent propaganda, to hell with the truth! Since when is propaganda limited by truth?
Would it be a performance for the american people? What for? Would the american populace, who just watched a man step on the surface of moon on live television, trust an utterly demonized regime when it accuses their government of lying?
Would it be a performance for the rest of the world, to convince them that america is full of lies? Because that would just make USSR look like a sore loser.

I just don't think the notion of "if moon landing was fake then the soviets would've said something" survives scrutiny
If the moon landing was faked and the Soviets had evidence, they wouldn’t need to rely on a shaky propaganda campaign. Their intelligence and scientific communities could have discreetly exposed inconsistencies through neutral or allied nations, making the claims credible enough to undermine trust in the U.S. If they had evidence and chose to stay silent, it would mean they couldn’t refute the landing without risking their own credibility.
This is all assuming the soviets did know it was faked. And who do we mean by soviets anyways? Which organ of the soviet government would be the one uncovering the plot? Which branch would take it upon itself to reveal the truth to the soviet people/the world? Would the general secretary himself go on national television to tell the people of the wicked american scheme to fool the world?
I would assume such a claim would fall to the Party leadership to decide on how to move forward.
If the moon landing was faked and the Soviets had evidence, they wouldn’t need to rely on a shaky propaganda campaign. Their intelligence and scientific communities could have discreetly exposed inconsistencies through neutral or allied nations, making the claims credible enough to undermine trust in the U.S. If they had evidence and chose to stay silent, it would mean they couldn’t refute the landing without risking their own credibility.
I don't think evidence is a trump card, really in anything. There's plenty of evidence for a lot of things, both social/biological things (race realism, link between homosexuality/transgenderism and pedophilia, worse outcomes for race mixed children etc) and historic revisionism/government ops (holocaust gas chambers, 9/11 being a false flag, sandy hook being fake etc) yet most of these things, despite the evidence available, are fringe beliefs. That's because people aren't convinced by evidence, their beliefs are sort of predetermined. They dismiss ideas they see as problematic or implausible without looking at the evidence. The soviets wouldn't have any more evidence than we have today, so if today's moon landing deniers can't convince people we didn't land on the moon I doubt the soviets could (sort of begging the question here, but still). Maybe such an accusation coming from a world government would lend it more credence, maybe it would have the opposite effect, as the soviets were their adversary. I just think it's shaky reasoning to extrapolate from their inaction.
Also, the US government had it's own population under it's thumb as well (probably even more competently). I don't think the US would be too unwitting to undercut any discreet efforts by the soviets.
I don't think evidence is a trump card, really in anything. There's plenty of evidence for a lot of things, both social/biological things (race realism, link between homosexuality/transgenderism and pedophilia, worse outcomes for race mixed children etc) and historic revisionism/government ops (holocaust gas chambers, 9/11 being a false flag, sandy hook being fake etc) yet most of these things, despite the evidence available, are fringe beliefs. That's because people aren't convinced by evidence, their beliefs are sort of predetermined. They dismiss ideas they see as problematic or implausible without looking at the evidence. The soviets wouldn't have any more evidence than we have today, so if today's moon landing deniers can't convince people we didn't land on the moon I doubt the soviets could (sort of begging the question here, but still). Maybe such an accusation coming from a world government would lend it more credence, maybe it would have the opposite effect, as the soviets were their adversary. I just think it's shaky reasoning to extrapolate from their inaction.
Also, the US government had it's own population under it's thumb as well (probably even more competently). I don't think the US would be too unwitting to undercut any discreet efforts by the soviets.
That's a good point. I tend to forget evidence doesn't always have the power I think it does. Not when it comes to the general populace, at least.
If the moon landing was faked and the Soviets had evidence, they wouldn’t need to rely on a shaky propaganda campaign. Their intelligence and scientific communities could have discreetly exposed inconsistencies through neutral or allied nations, making the claims credible enough to undermine trust in the U.S. If they had evidence and chose to stay silent, it would mean they couldn’t refute the landing without risking their own credibility.

I would assume such a claim would fall to the Party leadership to decide on how to move forward.
If the Soviets / Russia were actually enemies they wouldn't have a treaty with the USA since '59 over Antarctica, world is a stage...
If the Soviets / Russia were actually enemies they wouldn't have a treaty with the USA since '59 over Antarctica, world is a stage...
Schizobabble, we were literally enemies with the USSR in the Cold War you should have not dropped out at 15