Music/Television Modern Dr. Who summary

Kevin Logan

mess with crash u get the bash, the moid, the wolf
> timewar (happened off screen) explained, all daleks and timelords killed (expect doctor) along with gallifrey being cast into oblivion

> nevermind daleks survived

> nevermind the master survived

> nevermind gallifrey and the timelords survived

> Adam introduced as new companion, immediately written off
> Captain Jack as new companion, written off (killed)

> nevermind he survived

> Some bitch introduced as new companion, immediately written off (killed)

> Rose ends up trapped in a different dimension forever

> nevermind she returns

> 10th doctor is regenerating

> nevermind it was just a cheap cliff-hanger, but it still counts as a regeneration that he aborted, but now we used up one of his last few lives. oops!

> 11th doctor (aka 13th doctor because the War doctor counts as a regeneration because we wrote ourselves into a corner about the time war and we can't cast the 9th doctor actor back. oops!, and the 10th doctors aborted regeneration also counts and we we wrote ourselves into a corner. oops!)

> 11th doctor dies, and thus the end of the doctor life cycle.

> nevermind the timelords spawn in the sky and grant him a new regeneration cycle, thus making the doctor essentially immortal (this is where I stopped watching)

> The master as a female version of himself apparently

> doctor regenerates into a foid

> master becomes an indian

> foid regenerates into Tennant (in a new outfit somehow) again for some reason

> donna, who is forbidden to see the doctor again due to reasons on a cosmic scale

> nevermind, just reverse the polarity here, flick a switch there, some technobabble explanation and bingo!, donna can now see the doctor again

> Tennant bi-regenerates into a gay nigger and there are now 2 doctors at large

@Cortex @Tsar
Why does it need to be so convoluted. It used to be so straightforward and concise.
The modern show is just some kind of diversity bingo.
I hate the bullshit of ''time is always in flux'' too

In the classic show, events are fixed and can not and should not be changed, whether the doctor is there in history or not is irrevelant, but the modern show fucks that up the wall, and don't even get me started on the timeless child shit.

The modern show was ruined already by series 2, but the seeds were planted in series one
I wouldn’t be surprised if next, we find out the Doctor was never really the Doctor in the first place, just some random Time Lord with a wig.