Megaman Chud - A Soyjak / Chudjak themed Mega Man fangame

Some minor updates :
- Some tweaking of level layouts to make them more fair; also added the George Floyd enemy in the mutt's stage. Everyone who has been following this project long enough would know that level was initially kurwa man (hence the sewerage because polacks "love" sanitation works) but changed to amerimutt at the later development stage, which is the reason why I forgot to put George Floyd in the first place. Now he is here along with his favorite Fentanyl.

-Energy balancer is enabled by default now just like my heckin' Megaman X.

-Removal of all soyspeak (e.g. "soysphere" changed to "the internet", "coal" changed to "shit". Soytan was also changed to Oliver from FPE months ago for the exact same reason)
I never liked the soyspeak; it was shit back in muh "golden age" and is still the same cringey teenage shit now. Soyjaks themselves are timeless classics as they are based on actual social phenomena, while the soyspeak, alone with all the meta tumors, would become irrevelent within the 6 months after sharty's death, and I don't want to feature this shit in my game.
they're always on the edge of losing their domain
Soiggers are currently busy fighting another tribal war against therabbitrally (basically retards slapfight, which is basically the only shit nusoicacas care about outside meta humor). The exact reason why I have always been keeping distance with the sharty and its users in general, and also the reason why this site should have absolutely nothing to do with the soysphere since shartycucks will bring nothing good to this place.
Amerishart's stage. Takes place in a sewerage, which features a lot of... poop...
The amount of content you're able to stuff into this game while making it all fit together harmoniously is impressive. When I first saw this thing I thought it was going to be "just" a collection of bosses, the fact that you went ahead and added stages with this many custom enemies with custom sprites really goes above and beyond, it's always a joy to watch. Very inspirational, perhaps even stunning and brave.
Soiggers are currently busy fighting another tribal war against therabbitrally (basically retards slapfight, which is basically the only shit nusoicacas care about outside meta humor). The exact reason why I have always been keeping distance with the sharty and its users in general, and also the reason why this site should have absolutely nothing to do with the soysphere since shartycucks will bring nothing good to this place.
this but its inevitable this site is going ti be far from the soysphere considering its the splinter for rejected schlogsharts
Bocchi-Chan stage preview, A level where you go through soyjaks, troon catacomb and tranimes.



I don't think that I'm going to post my stuffs on 'ru anymore, I've already accumulated enough audience on youtube and I don't want to deal with autistic kids who hate me because NAS brimstone and shit.
this but its inevitable this site is going ti be far from the soysphere considering its the splinter for rejected schlogsharts is far older than the schlog but whatever.
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NVM I've redesigned (again) pagan man to woke numale since I don't really hate pagans that much. Besides, not only does it fit the attacks more (xe fights with nigger babies and is shielded by vaccine), but also more offensive. Only the name, dialogue, and sprites are changed, the rest remains the same.
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Bruh I've just changed it back to "nordcuck" (just like how it initially was). Because a mind-broken larping swedish cuckold feels more interesting than just a run of the mill cuck.
Although it's now more of a "mindbroken larping sjw", likes those redditors or the captain sweden, rather than anti-pagan (think about the "odin says trans rights" group)
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