Caged It's Fucking Over When You Realized That Even Soyboys Are More Masculine Than You


Well-known member
I clicked on this video for Lulz, only to realize that these literal soyboys are more masculine than 95% of the population here in SHITaiwan, including myself, and I'm not exaggerating with the number here. I've always been a supporter of BMAF, but never have I wished for the TGD breed-out program before until I saw this (which is already happening but not fast enough, imo).
including myself
you online:


you in real life:

This fuckin goober who makes the same dumb face in every thumbnail :  r/hittableFaces
This is what happens when you leave the schlog folks..... your muscles atrophy..... you shrink 4 inches..... you grow resentful..... you can't see yourself laughing at retards any more..... a sad state of affairs really......
I clicked on this video for Lulz, only to realize that these literal soyboys are more masculine than 95% of the population here in SHITaiwan, including myself, and I'm not exaggerating with the number here. I've always been a supporter of BMAF, but never have I wished for the TGD breed-out program before until I saw this (which is already happening but not fast enough, imo).
You are asian, so its not surprise
I've always been a supporter of BMAF