The "Russians are secretly Mongols" thing in particular comes from a false understanding of historical events. There are actually two separate narratives I've heard on this, one of them is the leftist narrative, this one filters the language a bit to give the impression of giving a shit. It goes something like this: "The Russians were le hecking wholesome Europeans like us once upon a time, but then the Mongols came, conquered them, and ruled them for a few centuries. During this time the Russians got mongolicized culturally and separated from their European roots. They are still genetically European but culturally more similar to Mongols." and the other narrative goes that Russians are the way they are because the Mongols race mixed with them and therefore separated them from their European roots, this is the narrative that reveals the true intentions of the former narrative. That is, to imply that Russians are inferior.
Neither of these hold up to someone who actually studies what happened, the Mongols did conquer Kievan Rus, but they for the most part did not mess with internal matters. So cultural influence is already off the table, they just demanded tribute and that's about it. The only thing the Russians learned from the Mongols were their military strategies. Race mixing is also for the most part off the table because as I said, we know that Mongols did not intervene with internal matters.
Another important proof that this line of argument is false is the Eastern Romans. The Eastern Romans were as hostile to westerners as Russia is today, there was a conflict between the crusaders and Orthodox Christians that most people do not acknowledge, native Orthodox Christians in the Kingdom of Jerusalem did not like the latin crusaders and preferred the Muslims over them, curious. There is literally no difference between the Russian stance towards the west and the Eastern Roman stance towards the west. Unless the person saying this wants to imply that Greeks are not European too, then this is another proof. And by the time we reach the fall of constantinople, the general sentiment among the Orthodox populace was to say "fuck it, we prefer to get conquered by the Turks rather than being ruled by these wicked westerners." Hence why the quote "Better the Turkish turban than the papal tiara." reached all the way to the present. And this hostility extended to other Orthodox nations in the balkans, from Serbia to Bulgaria to Wallachia. All of them disliked the westerners.
So the person calling the Russians "Mongolian" wants to know why Russians are the way they are in reality? The reality is that Russia is the way it is because it is Orthodox, the Third Rome. Orthodox civilization is separate from Catholic and Protestant civilization. No matter how white someone is, if they are Orthodox they will sooner or later become hostile to westoids. And not for nothing, it is mostly just retaliation.