Gaming I got no life


During 2020-2021, I put probably 600~ hours into Animal Crossing. If the game didn't get boring so quickly, I'd probably play way more. Yea, I could add friends to make it more fun, but it probably won't ever get to the activity it was before unless we get COVID 2. That and I'm not joining gaycord to visit islands, do turnips, etc. I'd rather just play something else most of the time, barring the rare moment I finally get bored enough to play the game. I still remember some stuff about turnips though, so I may make a thread on that in the future, or at the very least, make a general ACNH thread. The turnips are how I obtained over 100M bells without even trying.
i beseech thee, prithee set forth thy hours of merriment for each of the nine classes, that all may bear witness
I think I deleted it at the 700 or 800 hour mark. Do you still want to see it? The reason might have been because of a youtuber, or because I felt bad about having too many hours as spy. I started playing in the big old 2020 btw, so that's 1.4k in 5 years
I think I deleted it at the 700 or 800 hour mark. Do you still want to see it? The reason might have been because of a youtuber, or because I felt bad about having too many hours as spy. I started playing in the big old 2020 btw, so that's 1.4k in 5 years
that's not even an hour per day when averaged out, and there was likely some idling time, so makes sense.
During 2020-2021, I put probably 600~ hours into Animal Crossing. If the game didn't get boring so quickly, I'd probably play way more. Yea, I could add friends to make it more fun, but it probably won't ever get to the activity it was before unless we get COVID 2. That and I'm not joining gaycord to visit islands, do turnips, etc. I'd rather just play something else most of the time, barring the rare moment I finally get bored enough to play the game. I still remember some stuff about turnips though, so I may make a thread on that in the future, or at the very least, make a general ACNH thread. The turnips are how I obtained over 100M bells without even trying.
Haven’t played AC since the 3DS title, but I have a lot of nostalgia for the Wii version and visiting my friend’s towns.
Haven’t played AC since the 3DS title, but I have a lot of nostalgia for the Wii version and visiting my friend’s towns.
I've played, and happen to own, all of the Animal Crossing titles. Albeit, I've played 3DS and Switch AC the most, followed by Gamecube, then DS, then Wii. The Wii version has voice chat built-in which is cool, and if you use a WiiConnect24 revival then you can also send mail to your frens.