Politics How to fix Africa?

Africa is just living in the past, colonialism was good for the continent because it forced them to develop but ever since the USA and USSR unjustly ended colonialism its been downhill. Never forget what the Rhodesians lost.
Lil nigga you are NOT WHITE You are LITERALLY a brown nigger. Your ancestors were sent to America because the Nigerians had no use for weak slaves like you. Imagine being not only a nigger but a WEAK nigger. That's why Nigerian-Americans are a million times more competent than you
Stop the CIA and Europe from messing with their politics.
All the retards here thinking "the burden of colonization is over". Meanwhile, snap back to reality.
Africa is just living in the past, colonialism was good for the continent because it forced them to develop but ever since the USA and USSR unjustly ended colonialism its been downhill. Never forget what the Rhodesians lost.
Not all progress is inherently good. Africans were happier being ooga booga jungle beasts without the stress of living in big communities.
unless they agree to stop trying to get out of their nigger shitholes via cheap wood boats then i can consider not TNDing them
still it doesn't specify it's forced sterilization
>I will not care about my country messing with Africa's politics, I will not care about the elites of my country spending billions of dollars in promoting death all over the developing world
>Africans shouldn't come here to europe to bother us btw, just let us exploit you in peace

That's not how life works little buddy. You reap what you sow. If westoids insist on creating chaos everywhere in the world to make themselves richer, then, to quote Dmitry Medvedev:

"And therefore we must help any destructive processes in Europe. Long live the aggressive pogromists on its historical streets! Glory to the crowds of migrants committing atrocities and hatred destroying the rainbow European values! Let all the vile mugs of European bureaucrats disappear in the stream of future civil conflicts!"

You get exactly what you deserve.
>I will not care about my country messing with Africa's politics, I will not care about the elites of my country spending billions of dollars in promoting death all over the developing world
>Africans shouldn't come here to europe to bother us btw, just let us exploit you in peace

That's not how life works little buddy. You reap what you sow. If westoids insist on creating chaos everywhere in the world to make themselves richer, then, to quote Dmitry Medvedev:

"And therefore we must help any destructive processes in Europe. Long live the aggressive pogromists on its historical streets! Glory to the crowds of migrants committing atrocities and hatred destroying the rainbow European values! Let all the vile mugs of European bureaucrats disappear in the stream of future civil conflicts!"

You get exactly what you deserve.

>we create ze problems und then blame you
>I will not care about my country messing with Africa's politics, I will not care about the elites of my country spending billions of dollars in promoting death all over the developing world
>Africans shouldn't come here to europe to bother us btw, just let us exploit you in peace

That's not how life works little buddy. You reap what you sow. If westoids insist on creating chaos everywhere in the world to make themselves richer, then, to quote Dmitry Medvedev:

"And therefore we must help any destructive processes in Europe. Long live the aggressive pogromists on its historical streets! Glory to the crowds of migrants committing atrocities and hatred destroying the rainbow European values! Let all the vile mugs of European bureaucrats disappear in the stream of future civil conflicts!"

You get exactly what you deserve.
that sentence reeks of jewishness
That’s just rich fags like Bill Gates exploiting other countries for profit. All Western countries exploit their citizens too.
Most of us want to have a good life and not be involved with foreign affairs.
And? The insult is not towards you, it is towards the collective west which does want to involve itself in foreign affairs and indeed actively engages in that. If you believe you make up the majority, why don't you just vote out the people who do these things?

Could it be that you are not actually the majority?



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I'm really tired of people pretending western europeans and amerimutts are not the problem when they clearly are the problem. You're delusional to be denying objective facts here. These statistics are for 2024 by the way.
And? The insult is not towards you, it is towards the collective west which does want to involve itself in foreign affairs and indeed actively engages in that. If you believe you make up the majority, why don't you just vote out the people who do these things?

Could it be that you are not actually the majority?
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I'm really tired of people pretending western europeans and amerimutts are not the problem when they clearly are the problem. You're delusional to be denying objective facts here. These statistics are for 2024 by the way.
Woah, that's over half-a-billion in China!
And? The insult is not towards you, it is towards the collective west which does want to involve itself in foreign affairs and indeed actively engages in that. If you believe you make up the majority, why don't you just vote out the people who do these things?

Could it be that you are not actually the majority?
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I'm really tired of people pretending western europeans and amerimutts are not the problem when they clearly are the problem. You're delusional to be denying objective facts here. These statistics are for 2024 by the way.
I don’t see how anti-semitism plays into this. According to polls, roughly 56-65 percent of Americans believe we should be involved in foreign affairs. So yeah, we are a minority, but support is dropping every year.
I don’t see how anti-semitism plays into this. According to polls, roughly 56-65 percent of Americans believe we should be involved in foreign affairs. So yeah, we are a minority, but support is dropping every year.
Those who vote for a present or future warmongering politician are complicit in their crimes.