How many packs of cigarettes do you smoke a day?

No. I’m American.
Alaska, constituent state of the United States of America. It was admitted to the union as the 49th state on January 3, 1959. Alaska lies at the extreme northwest of the North American continent, and the Alaska Peninsula is the largest peninsula in the Western Hemisphere.
Alaska, constituent state of the United States of America. It was admitted to the union as the 49th state on January 3, 1959. Alaska lies at the extreme northwest of the North American continent, and the Alaska Peninsula is the largest peninsula in the Western Hemisphere.

yeah but what type of american?
move to western europe
the usa is an experiment zone controlled by israel
Nah, I wanna keep muh gun rights and i dont wanna be ranover by algerians; Though if i were to leave the US to look for a better place it'd probably be Yemen or somewhere else in the Arabian-Pennisula; Why? Two Reasons: There's No Taxes there believe it or not, And There's little Laws there and i can own guns there aswell and I can be free to do what ever I want/please.
Nah, I wanna keep muh gun rights and i dont wanna be ranover by algerians; Though if i were to leave the US to look for a better place it'd probably be Yemen or somewhere else in the Arabian-Pennisula; Why? Two Reasons: There's No Taxes there believe it or not, And There's little Laws there and i can own guns there aswell and I can be free to do what ever I want/please.
Nah, I wanna keep muh gun rights and i dont wanna be ranover by algerians; Though if i were to leave the US to look for a better place it'd probably be Yemen or somewhere else in the Arabian-Pennisula; Why? Two Reasons: There's No Taxes there believe it or not, And There's little Laws there and i can own guns there aswell and I can be free to do what ever I want/please.

sure thing bud