How long have we been back?

Adolf Hitler

Bring back White Excellence.
I was here back when Weebhunter3k ran the show, I had an old bookmark of a natsoc thread I started and I clicked the bookmark by accident, leading me here.
If there is any archives of the old good threads I'd love to see them.

My old user was: NeverLoseYuorSmile & Admin
Also: I know this isn't related to the topic of the thread but I drew the chud icons users without pfps have
Weebhunter was a moron and kept zero copies of the database, so @Seraphim had to start the site clean. Luckily, I kept an archive of all Hitler interviews (can be found in Clown World Logs), and weedblunter reposted the faggot hate megathread.

Shame, I put a fuck ton of time into mine, It was a gemmy intro to National Socialism. Thanks for the Update though
I almost forgot to ask. Do you remember the name of the band you once linked on the old site? It was Aryan-core but TroonTube banned my old account and I lost my playlist.
I was here back when Weebhunter3k ran the show, I had an old bookmark of a natsoc thread I started and I clicked the bookmark by accident, leading me here.
If there is any archives of the old good threads I'd love to see them.

My old user was: NeverLoseYuorSmile & Admin
Also: I know this isn't related to the topic of the thread but I drew the chud icons users without pfps have
Very Aryan
I was here back when Weebhunter3k ran the show, I had an old bookmark of a natsoc thread I started and I clicked the bookmark by accident, leading me here.
If there is any archives of the old good threads I'd love to see them.

My old user was: NeverLoseYuorSmile & Admin
Also: I know this isn't related to the topic of the thread but I drew the chud icons users without pfps have
i remember there was a kerfuffle at the og .life because some user who i dont remember wanted to have the name "Admin" so that he could look like it since weebhunter made him a janny o algo and im pretty sure you changed your name and he got it, how?
Don’t leave me hanging mang :itsover: