Gaming Hoi4 Mod: Chudslife edition


Now & Forever
Staff member
On the blog we have been working for awhile on a Hearts of Iron 4 mod depicting the history of the party and others sites+their interactions with each other in the soysphere.



This initially was going to encompass every site on the whole fuggin' internet but reality won as it usually does, and the first guy quit after several months of teasers + help from me and others. Now we have a new guy who is working a lot faster, and we scaled it down to just the soysphere and it's related sites.


(early work being done on the map)
The mod starts in 2020 and follows the historical events of the community, it's ups, downs, and other interesting events. Some ahistorical paths will also be added so you can take things off the rails. I've written extensively on what the party/booru/blogs paths should be on the schlog thread, but as you can see there is also a Chudslife nation on the top right of the map. Are there any suggestions on what the path should look like?
I don't have any current suggestions, but I'd say that a main thing to consider in regard to suggestions will be how to model the disestablishment under Weebhunter and later reestablishment by Seraphim of the site. Would it just switch leaders to a blank portrait and become a demilitarized zone until opening its doors again?
I don't have any current suggestions, but I'd say that a main thing to consider in regard to suggestions will be how to model the disestablishment under Weebhunter and later reestablishment by Seraphim of the site. Would it just switch leaders to a blank portrait and become a demilitarized zone until opening its doors again?
I'd probably handle it similarly to the soypocalypse event, where there are massive penalties to every stat while it is shut down. Maybe to make it more interesting, there can be a civil war with one side lead by Weeb and another by Seraphim, and the winner either extends the shutdown by a few months or it immediately comes back online at the war's end. The blog can also support one side over the other with equipment and manpower bonuses, or stay neutral and receive a small weekly manpower bonus.

If Weeb wins, then he is available as an advisor for the schlog. He will give a construction bonus and maybe boost factory output. If Seraphim wins, then there is a slight weekly drain on manpower for the schlog but an increase to stability + war support for both sites, and the drained manpower is added to Chuds. Interactions between the two sites will also bring them closer, and in the event of the ahistorical "Dollist Empire" forming, Chuds would receive an invite to the faction.
I’ve never played hoi4 before. What do “paths” mean?
It references a group of choices you can make via doing National Focuses to progress towards a certain goal of yours. In HOI4 there are focuses that make your soldiers stronger, create more equipment, pick national policies, etc. and some of these focuses can be strong enough to change your nation completely. For example, you can play as facist Germany or turn the country into a democracy in 1936 that unites the world against an overpowered USSR.
I can’t remember anything notable on chods because the site has always been a dead nigger of a forum. Maybe the chud ads that were on the sharty could be a sign of the chud empire’s propaganda or something idk.
I can’t remember anything notable on chods because the site has always been a dead nigger of a forum. Maybe the chud ads that were on the sharty could be a sign of the chud empire’s propaganda or something idk.
The ideas I have are mainly the growing ties between the blog and prominent chuds users and myself (just due to personal experience) but filler content can be added as well. Chud ads on the party can be an event or a decision, nagolbud and I's interactions can be an event chain, gatekeeping users can be a national focus, etc. There is a lot that can be done but I wanted to see what small things people remembered of the site before I showed up so I can fill time for you guys before 2024 shows up.
Start off as a nation that’s barely holding on, but is getting ready to rebel against the global power.

For focuses:
Way of the Chud: Enact reforms to boost military recruitment and morale based on nationalist ideals. Increase the production of beef and other manly goods.
Cultivate the Land: Kick-start self-sufficient agriculture.

Weebhunter, the faggot, had started turning into an incel-driven mess. His path was one of sheer retardation, focusing on undermining every institution in sight, from the soyboy capitalists to the bourgeoisie of the tech world. His followers, the "NEET Legion," were a scattered but zealous bunch, dedicated to chaos and subversion.

Meanwhile, Seraphim, the more composed leader, sought to steer towards a more structured vision, a world where discipline, careful planning, and a solid foundation of nationalism would provide long-term stability. He wasn’t about to let descend into mindless anarchy. Seraphim had a vision for a true, self-sufficient society.

To be continued...
Start off as a nation that’s barely holding on, but is getting ready to rebel against the global power.

For focuses:
Way of the Chud: Enact reforms to boost military recruitment and morale based on nationalist ideals. Increase the production of beef and other manly goods.
Cultivate the Land: Kick-start self-sufficient agriculture.

Weebhunter, the faggot, had started turning into an incel-driven mess. His path was one of sheer retardation, focusing on undermining every institution in sight, from the soyboy capitalists to the bourgeoisie of the tech world. His followers, the "NEET Legion," were a scattered but zealous bunch, dedicated to chaos and subversion.

Meanwhile, Seraphim, the more composed leader, sought to steer towards a more structured vision, a world where discipline, careful planning, and a solid foundation of nationalism would provide long-term stability. He wasn’t about to let descend into mindless anarchy. Seraphim had a vision for a true, self-sufficient society.

To be continued...
Nice alternative history path, d-rider.
Start off as a nation that’s barely holding on, but is getting ready to rebel against the global power.

For focuses:
Way of the Chud: Enact reforms to boost military recruitment and morale based on nationalist ideals. Increase the production of beef and other manly goods.
Cultivate the Land: Kick-start self-sufficient agriculture.

Weebhunter, the faggot, had started turning into an incel-driven mess. His path was one of sheer retardation, focusing on undermining every institution in sight, from the soyboy capitalists to the bourgeoisie of the tech world. His followers, the "NEET Legion," were a scattered but zealous bunch, dedicated to chaos and subversion.

Meanwhile, Seraphim, the more composed leader, sought to steer towards a more structured vision, a world where discipline, careful planning, and a solid foundation of nationalism would provide long-term stability. He wasn’t about to let descend into mindless anarchy. Seraphim had a vision for a true, self-sufficient society.

To be continued...
Literally steals the lore behind..
@nagolbud there’s finally a project yet you’re nowhere to be seen.
I don't know enough about the sharty or the dumpster parts of the soysphere, only the shlog and the more elegant chud atmosphere, and Nagolbud Corp.

I'd be happy to write some stuff, but right now my PC just shit another brick and the sound card only functions about 25% of the time, so I can't even listen to music on this pos most of the time. Let alone the ability to play a video game, my steam profile says I haven't gamed in over 2 years, since the apocalypse of the egg incubator shitting water on a $2k laptop killing it forever. #deathcult

Have to wage cuck until I can get a new laptop out to the JoC.

Plus in my free time I'm creating the lore behind the Realm of Chudar which I'll eventually either hire a team or find a group to make a game like "For the King", a table top RPG type thing but in pixel art. - I also still have to paint the images for Aspy 2, my comic book. Want to try and get the starter 4 part series done within the next couple months.
I don't know enough about the sharty or the dumpster parts of the soysphere, only the shlog and the more elegant chud atmosphere, and Nagolbud Corp.

I'd be happy to write some stuff, but right now my PC just shit another brick and the sound card only functions about 25% of the time, so I can't even listen to music on this pos most of the time. Let alone the ability to play a video game, my steam profile says I haven't gamed in over 2 years, since the apocalypse of the egg incubator shitting water on a $2k laptop killing it forever. #deathcult

Have to wage cuck until I can get a new laptop out to the JoC.

Plus in my free time I'm creating the lore behind the Realm of Chudar which I'll eventually either hire a team or find a group to make a game like "For the King", a table top RPG type thing but in pixel art. - I also still have to paint the images for Aspy 2, my comic book. Want to try and get the starter 4 part series done within the next couple months.
Maybe you can somehow incorporate the lore of your fierce battle and eventual betrayal at the hands of Agora Road.
Maybe you can somehow incorporate the lore of your fierce battle and eventual betrayal at the hands of Agora Road.
I couldn't give a shit about Agora Road.. normie forum with an androgyne admin who e/cries when someone calls him out on his/her faggotry. Reminds me of --- I've been kicked off hundreds of platforms, it's far worse when you have an income from said platform, like YouTube, and they ban your username itself without warning or strikes, even on PG rated travel / gaming content.. Or like MailChimp, who literally deleted my original e-mail list and newsletter archives with like 15k people and hundreds of posts for "wrong speak"..

Agora Road isn't even worth mentioning as far as "lore" goes in the Nagolbud realm. Literal shit forum filled with reddit tier content and normiefags lol.. they claimed to be "conspiracy theoristy" and "founders" of the internet is dead theory, but in reality couldn't even handle chemtrails, fluoride in the water, let alone other mainstream realities.
Some paths I was brainstorming over:

The Isolationist Path
  • Reject alliances with world powers and focus on building up as a nation of independence, free from global interference. Have this path focus on self-sufficiency and technological innovation.
Global Vanguard
  • Spread the chud “ideology” to other countries by supporting rebels, destabilizing regimes, and pushing for revolutions.
The Rogue State
  • Use as a rogue nation, making deals with enemies of the status quo, secretly undermining global organizations and taking advantage of global chaos. Could lead to nuclear warfare or technological advancements that challenge established powers.