Politics help me out Chuds


Active member
bit of a story but stick with me:

My English class is doing another debate, and the teacher picked “cancel culture” or “obesity.” To reflect another failure of the American school system, there was no prompt given initially , so the debate planning or thesis is entirely chosen by the loudest most popular person. I am pretty high inhib so it’s difficult to get the words out in class but I took it upon myself and asked the teacher if the class could come up with a topic for debate if we could debate it.

The teacher starts beaming and slowly stops when I bring up eugenics as a topic of debate (liberal school you get the idea.) I went to bed listening to Nic Fuentes and woke up fired up for the voting day today. It’s between Eugenics or gene editing being unethical vs Is cancel culture a viable means to deterrence.

My prompt is shitty but was wondering if any of you could help me win over the class, so far I expect a 8 votes for mine and 5 votes for the teacher.

Also whats a good argument for my side?
bit of a story but stick with me:

My English class is doing another debate, and the teacher picked “cancel culture” or “obesity.” To reflect another failure of the American school system, there was no prompt given initially , so the debate planning or thesis is entirely chosen by the loudest most popular person. I am pretty high inhib so it’s difficult to get the words out in class but I took it upon myself and asked the teacher if the class could come up with a topic for debate if we could debate it.

The teacher starts beaming and slowly stops when I bring up eugenics as a topic of debate (liberal school you get the idea.) I went to bed listening to Nic Fuentes and woke up fired up for the voting day today. It’s between Eugenics or gene editing being unethical vs Is cancel culture a viable means to deterrence.

My prompt is shitty but was wondering if any of you could help me win over the class, so far I expect a 8 votes for mine and 5 votes for the teacher.

Also whats a good argument for my side?
Scream that the holocaust never happened
1. slippery slope law: explain how both eugenics and cancel culture are inclined to go unchecked and continue into absurdity
2. explain that cancel culture is mob rule, explain how Hitler was the original cancel culture and how holocaust was jews being canceled. That tolerance that's intolerant to certain ideas is no tolerance at all.
3. explain how eugenics would make POC go extinct, or draw a parallel between TND and eugenics as both aim to perfect the genetic form at the expense of minorities
>erm, why would I make arguments where I trash on hitler and defend minorities when that's coal?
You have to adjust your arsenal to the enemy
>inb4 that's just being disingenuous
1. slippery slope law: explain how both eugenics and cancel culture are inclined to go unchecked and continue into absurdity
2. explain that cancel culture is mob rule, explain how Hitler was the original cancel culture and how holocaust was jews being canceled. That tolerance that's intolerant to certain ideas is no tolerance at all.
3. explain how eugenics would make POC go extinct, or draw a parallel between TND and eugenics as both aim to perfect the genetic form at the expense of minorities
>erm, why would I make arguments where I trash on hitler and defend minorities when that's coal?
You have to adjust your arsenal to the enemy
>inb4 that's just being disingenuous
leftist defend cancel culture because it benefits the side that has more members
They would've been against cancel culture if right wing people had more supporters
leftist defend cancel culture because it benefits the side that has more members
They would've been against cancel culture if right wing people had more supporters
That's just generally true. People don't have principles, it's always us vs them. That's how people operate, anyone claiming to be upholding some sort of objective, non partisan principle is full of shit.
That's why you'll get people that champion free speech until you say something they don't like, or you'll have people championing democracy until a person they don't like gets elected etc.
My classes had a debate on some nigger in Brazil that took a bus full of hostages and killed like 2 people. Funniest argument was that "this is because of meritocratic capitalism", so yeah he admits the nigger did literally nothing with his life and apparently his own race needs to suffer from it by being killed in a nigger bus. The abortion one was even more virulent. Everyone in the class hated white people, they never talked to me.
holy fuck so the new topic is Capitalism vs Socialism. Two kids came up with it and now I have to make a new prompt and restudy for the argument.
not that bad of an argument
you can easily derail it to fascist economics or just explain how leftie economics are a big farce
The abortion one was even more virulent. Everyone in the class hated white people, they never talked to me.
i imagine they were all brown
Most goycattle nothingburger topic, probably ever
>will you defend jewish bullshit system or jewish bullshit system?
they probably found out about this thread and decided to dullify it to such a double-faced kike topic in fear of him using his sperg powers