Help Me

Ultimate Subhuman

Living Happily
A few days ago my mothers car was broken into. He stole a gift for my sister. There has a been alot of car-breakins in our neighborhood as of late.
2 Doors leading inside of our home were left unlocked. Both being my fault.
I fear we will gain courage from his successful robberies (& especially mine) and re-attempt or go as far to attempt home invasion.
I've been tormented with unforgettable vivid dreams of members of my family being stabbed to death, cut open, shot, etc. and I hear them from my bedroom.
I want nothing more than to kill this person. I hate this so much this is torture. Ive been staying up at night watching the vehicles, hoping he would come so I could stab him to death.
I've tried to be as true to my faith as possible, but I just can't let go until this is over. I can't sit and pray, I can't sleep.
Lock your shit next time and move on to the next part of your life. He broke into the car because you left something valuable in plain sight for him to take during the time of the year when something valuable is probably sitting in someone's car. Sitting outside with a grumpy face and a willingness to throw your life away over Temu Bonsai Tree Starter Kit and Fuzhou Prefecture QINGBAO 48ft. LED Lights is a dumb thing to do. So is leaving all your doors unlocked and your ass pointed upwards while you sleep in your bed. Let those visions be reminders to be humble, buy your sister another gift, and go back to bed.
A few days ago my mothers car was broken into. He stole a gift for my sister. There has a been alot of car-breakins in our neighborhood as of late.
2 Doors leading inside of our home were left unlocked. Both being my fault.
I fear we will gain courage from his successful robberies (& especially mine) and re-attempt or go as far to attempt home invasion.
I've been tormented with unforgettable vivid dreams of members of my family being stabbed to death, cut open, shot, etc. and I hear them from my bedroom.
I want nothing more than to kill this person. I hate this so much this is torture. Ive been staying up at night watching the vehicles, hoping he would come so I could stab him to death.
I've tried to be as true to my faith as possible, but I just can't let go until this is over. I can't sit and pray, I can't sleep.
Where do you live :glowie:
there is no serious crime problem there nor brown people (same thing btw interchangeable terms you see one you get the other.)
I don't know, I'd say it's changing. I think Vermont's one of the next targets for major demographic replacement within this decade. In general, New England's already had a little influx of foreign migrants in its major cities in the past five years, and the numbers sure ain't going down. There was this case from last month, as one example.
I don't know, I'd say it's changing. I think Vermont's one of the next targets for major demographic replacement within this decade. In general, New England's already had a little influx of foreign migrants in its major cities in the past five years, and the numbers sure ain't going down. There was this case from last month, as one example.
Thank the Jews for this Great Replacement
I don't know, I'd say it's changing. I think Vermont's one of the next targets for major demographic replacement within this decade. In general, New England's already had a little influx of foreign migrants in its major cities in the past five years, and the numbers sure ain't going down. There was this case from last month, as one example.

ZAMN he's white?
on a serious note unless they go rampage (we know they never will) against the US kikelords they're just gonna get BROWNED