History Franco and Salazar Appreciation Thread

Fake countries
It's the AI slop borders... the real truth is right in front of normies but derpa derpa doo...
:mutt:: "Iberia is real! What are you even talking about?"
Derpa doo... Lie-beria... Portugal oracle... Spain feign...
ITT: We Appreciate and discuss about francoist spain, salazarist portugal, and fascist-iberia and the falange oh also post cool symbols from both regimes @panchito
It's a tragic shame what happened to a lot of the Spanish leaders during the early war. Jose Sanjurjo was killed in a plane crash just two days after the war began, Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera himself was executed in Bolshevik captivity, and, strangely, Emilio Mola also perished in a plane crash around a year after the war started. Could Franco have potentially had an involvement in the deaths of these men (who would have rivaled him for Spain's leadership)?
It's the AI slop borders... the real truth is right in front of normies but derpa derpa doo...
:mutt:: "Iberia is real! What are you even talking about?"
Derpa doo... Lie-beria... Portugal oracle... Spain feign...

It's a tragic shame what happened to a lot of the Spanish leaders during the early war. Jose Sanjurjo was killed in a plane crash just two days after the war began, Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera himself was executed in Bolshevik captivity, and, strangely, Emilio Mola also perished in a plane crash around a year after the war started. Could Franco have potentially had an involvement in the deaths of these men (who would have rivaled him for Spain's leadership)?
no, franco's enemies killed them not franco
I’m upset how badly Franco treated the Falangists. He betrayed them hard.

Back to the thread. Here’s a replica of the Spanish Order of Civil Health award. The motto translates to “AL MERITO SANITARIO” meaning ‘For Merit in Sanitation’.

he literally kept the falange as the only state party untill his death
In defense of the Popes (something I didn't think I would ever say), I don't believe they'd qualify as that sort back in Franco's day ("I don't believe", so I may be wrong).
The Popes were always pushing freemason ideals which isn’t really any better. There’s so much homosexuality in the Catholic Church now because they were infiltrated for a few hundred years.