I’ve been doing some reading on the so-called "lost books" of the Apocrypha. Texts that didn’t make it into the canon but still offer insight into early Christian thought. Some were widely read in the early church, while others were considered dubious or even heretical. The Orthodox and Catholic traditions include some Apocryphal books in their canon, while Protestantism largely rejects them. But even Martin Luther found some value in books like Sirach.
The 14 books were:
• Tobit
• Judith
• Baruch
• 1 & 2 Esdras
• 1 & 2 Maccabees
• Wisdom of Solomon
• Prayer of Manasseh
• Ecclesiasticus (Sirach)
Have any of you studied these texts? I'm curious as to why they were removed from the Bible in 1684.
The 14 books were:
• Tobit
• Judith
• Baruch
• 1 & 2 Esdras
• 1 & 2 Maccabees
• Wisdom of Solomon
• Prayer of Manasseh
• Ecclesiasticus (Sirach)
Have any of you studied these texts? I'm curious as to why they were removed from the Bible in 1684.