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Funny video I found today from August 4, 2007. Puerto-Rican-Columbian fellow (Aryan) made a video of himself dancing to a compressed version of Soulja Boy's "Crank Dat" after getting frustrated that no one else at his local club knew the dance.
Woah, here's another fascinating video, this one's from a feller named "hackcraft"!
>The following video was obtained using a hack on a peer-to-peer sight. Often people do not realize that anything in you're my documents folder is accessible to others when using Kazza, Limewire and other p2p file sharing programs. Check out some of the other videos I have found.
Another video that he obtained through the "hack":
Funny video I found today from August 4, 2007. Puerto-Rican-Columbian fellow (Aryan) made a video of himself dancing to a compressed version of Soulja Boy's "Crank Dat" after getting frustrated that no one else at his local club knew the dance.
No sound on this one but I thought the contrast between the file's dead silence and this guy's groove was funny
two aryans doing their mating ritual