File size

A forum that doesn't have file size limits, a forum that has propper images, a forum that runs smoothly, a forum that doesn't stagnate in nothing'ness...

My websites all run perfect, never down, good images, ect. But yea keep talking shit..

What's the point of bringing a forum back up if there is no intention of improving or growing it? No new boards, no new reacts, nothing...

In the same time period I've added like 10 reacts to the shlog, 10 sick ass themes, ect.

You can’t even upload videos and chudstar though I do like some of your ideas and what you have to say I also like how the sharty implemented a Voice Chat feature which I use anyways I always thought what if I got the schlog and to get one too
Perfect plan for the schizos to have a chat with themselves.
Fuck it, I would love to just talk to myself on a vc goddamn but seriously I along with other sharty pol inhabitants use the vc option daily I am quite fond of it and I talk with people there in real time and I love the convos I have I actually several times have used it for nah I’m not gonna say how long
@Liquid Chud Reacted to Your post with “coal”

:D · 19 · From Brazil