Dream Journal

Ok so I had a dream where yes Nostalgia Critic reviewed Undertale I don't care about Undertale anyways but I watched it and it's pure nonsense. Later, I went to some weird platform that was like on a mountain cliff and later my brother started falling when he had a phone in his pocket but also I and we were flying. I fell and he too but we didn't have any injuries.
Last night I dreamt of myself being split into a hundred separate entities, all with their own unique personality and clothing. It felt like I was experiencing multiple perspectives reflecting on my life. I woke up in a cold sweat due to the experience being so vivid.
Last night I dreamt of myself being split into a hundred separate entities, all with their own unique personality and clothing. It felt like I was experiencing multiple perspectives reflecting on my life. I woke up in a cold sweat due to the experience being so vivid.
woah did you feel scared why do you think you had it?
Ok so I had a dream where yes Nostalgia Critic reviewed Undertale I don't care about Undertale anyways but I watched it and it's pure nonsense. Later, I went to some weird platform that was like on a mountain cliff and later my brother started falling when he had a phone in his pocket but also I and we were flying. I fell and he too but we didn't have any injuries.
and you landed on a pile of golden flowers and got groomed by kevin logan's wife
Last night pitbulls were trying to tear my fingers off.

Also something weird is going on with my dreams lately. I sometimes feel like I’m dreaming inside of my dream, and that I have my own memories that transfer over from each dream. Basically the me in the dream world has his own memories if that makes sense.
Some recent dreams of mine involve vehicles and vehicular accidents. Like getting rear ended or driving through a road railing at a high speed, driving into the forest, and going down train tracks. I'm also the only person in my dreams most of the time.

One time, many years ago, I dreamed of a girl I've never met giving me a blowie in a random Walmart aisle. It felt so real that I woke up genuinely terrified, thinking one of my family members might've sucked me off when I was asleep.
I remember a few details from a dream I had this morning, from right before I woke up. I was on some sort of airplane, a really fancy one, like a private jet, and my crush from school was sitting down in one of the seats on the airplane speaking German words at me. Not understanding her, I think I tried to sit down near her to hear her better, but then I felt Donald Trump grab my shoulder, and as I turned around to face him, he also started speaking German that I didn't understand. It was a bit scary since he was extremely tall, towering over my perspective. I actually remember the exact words that he said because I woke up right after he said them and, hopping out of bed quickly, I looked them up on my phone, and they're still in my search history. The search reads "vehundregan jellegjatung".
Basically the me in the dream world has his own memories if that makes sense.
I have these memories too. Re-occurring places, events, that sort of thing. I had a very peculiar dream sequence for around a week a few summers ago (I was probably thirteen or fourteen) where I was exploring this icy ocean. In each dream, I'd start off departing on my little rowboat from this Inuit village and arriving first at a cave on a glacier, then, in the following dreams at a laboratory that I eventually got trapped in, and then, in the last dream, at this wondrous supercity with a lot of monorails hovering over its streets in an elaborate, web-like structure. The city was actually really annoying, because every time I tried to get a ride on one of the monorails at their train stations, they'd always depart as I was trying to board them. The only other thing I remember from those dreams is that, as I was leaving the city in my rowboat, heading back out to sea, a guy on another rowboat threw a really huge french fry at me (the fry was around the size of my body), and I greatly enjoyed biting into it as I continued my travels. What's very stunning, albeit, is that the location of that week of dreams never changed, and occasionally, some of the places in it come right back to me as settings for parts of my dreams nowadays.
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I have these memories too. Re-occurring places, events, that sort of thing. I had a very peculiar dream sequence for around a week a few summers ago (I was probably thirteen or fourteen) where I was exploring this icy ocean. In each dream, I'd start off departing on my little rowboat from this Inuit village and arriving first at a cave on a glacier, then, in the following dreams at a laboratory that I eventually got trapped in, and then, in the last dream, at this wondrous supercity with a lot of monorails hovering over its streets in an elaborate, web-like structure. The city was actually really annoying, because every time I tried to get a ride on one of the monorails at their train stations, they'd always depart as I was trying to board them. The only other thing I remember from those dreams is that, as I was leaving the city in my rowboat, heading back out to sea, a guy on another rowboat threw a really huge french fry at me (the fry was around the size of my body), and I greatly enjoyed biting into it as I continued my travels. What's very stunning, albeit, is that the location of that week of dreams never changed, and occasionally, some of the places in it come right back to me as settings for parts of my dreams nowadays.
Interesting. I can barely remember details about my dreams unless I’m dreaming. Then it all comes back to me.
vehundregan jellegjatung".
Are those real words? I couldn’t find anything in German.
Some recent dreams of mine involve vehicles and vehicular accidents. Like getting rear ended or driving through a road railing at a high speed, driving into the forest, and going down train tracks.
I’ve lost count how many times I try to hit the brakes only to end up running the red light everytime.
Interesting. I can barely remember details about my dreams unless I’m dreaming. Then it all comes back to me.
I only ever remember what happens right before I wake up.
Are those real words? I couldn’t find anything in German.
No, it's just what my dream made up as words that sounded like German. I remember hopping right out of bed with the phrase echoing in my head and looking the words up to see if the heavens had just revealed something to me, but, no, it didn't actually mean anything.
Interesting. I can barely remember details about my dreams unless I’m dreaming. Then it all comes back to me.

Are those real words? I couldn’t find anything in German.

I’ve lost count how many times I try to hit the brakes only to end up running the red light everytime.
My traffic dreams are because of a "traumatic" car accident, my dad cried but I really didn't give a shit. He told me he cared about my life and was worried that I could've died, I just didn't experience any emotion because I'm autistic (not really) o algo...
I remember a few details from a dream I had this morning, from right before I woke up. I was on some sort of airplane, a really fancy one, like a private jet, and my crush from school was sitting down in one of the seats on the airplane speaking German words at me. Not understanding her, I think I tried to sit down near her to hear her better, but then I felt Donald Trump grab my shoulder, and as I turned around to face him, he also started speaking German that I didn't understand. It was a bit scary since he was extremely tall, towering over my perspective. I actually remember the exact words that he said because I woke up right after he said them and, hopping out of bed quickly, I looked them up on my phone, and they're still in my search history. The search reads "vehundregan jellegjatung".
you should rape your crush in the name of donald trump
vehundregan doesn't mean anything but jellegjatung means "character" in hungarian so that combined with god emperor donald trump and your crush it probably is a weird self-reflection
Monday, November 21st 2022
Quiet day, I'm on my computer, in my room, in my top story apartment (incongruent with my actual living situation). As I'm involved with the computer, a happy-merchant like jew peeks through the door and asks me if he can open my window. I'm focused on my screen so I just give a sort of half response: "Sure, just crank it open a little." The jew then proceeds to open the window fully. After a few minutes I notice it's getting very cold and turn around the see the window wide open. "fucking jews", I think to myself. I close the window and go into the apartment's hall to find the whole house in disarray. There's trash, dirt, little chickens (???), everything is a huge mess and my parents are stressing out. "See, I was right about jews! They're fucking everything up!" I decide to call my friend for a reprisal. After he arrives we start patrolling the building's hallway. We decide to take a rope and tie one end of it around my waist and the other around his. At this point we spot a jew and I get his attention: "hey excuse me, hold up a second!", as I approach him my friend starts running circles around him, this somehow ties him up and we start beating and kicking him on the ground. After this we kick him down the stairs and he falls to the ground floor (even doe we were higher up). So we leave him tied up at the bottom of the stairs as we go to scout out the parking lot for more jews. As we're scouting the parking lot I spot my uncle approaching the building, so I decide to catch up with him. But something is wrong. I can't put my finger on it but something is off, I decide to overtake him and run into the building, closing the door on him. I turn to look at him, it's something, his movements are weird, his expression is undefined, his face is just a little off. I stare at him, almost challenging him, calling his bluff. Thinking to myself "go on then, type in the code. Get your keys." After a few seconds of us staring at each other I say to him through the closed glass pane in the door: "I knew it. I knew you weren't my uncle." At this point the being mimicking my uncle starts some gruesome, gory transformation. His limbs split into multiple, his arms dislocate and extend, his flesh basically turns inside out, his face gets completely disfigured, he lets out a terrifying scream unlike any sound a human could produce. Total horror strikes me and my friend as we bolt for the stairs as fast as we can while this monster is breaking down the building's entrance. As we're running up the stairs I turn around to see the jew we tied up begin the same transformation, freeing himself from the bind. As I reach the top floor and enter my apartment I am alone, the monster is destroying the entire building around me, the sky is clearly visible. I think fast, I remember reading about vampires and how to kill them. I take a chunky bible with thick wooden covers from a shelf, I SNAP a wooden stake out of the wooden book covers with my bare hands and I turn to the monsters ravaging my home. I fix my gaze on the smaller of the two, the jew we had tied up and thrown down the stairs. Still maintaining some humanoid shape and form, I dash to him and drive the thorn into his heart. He screams in agony as his flesh turns to dust. At this point, the other shapeshifter is basically formless, you couldn't tell which part of him used to be human, his arms and legs are stretched, infused into the walls that remain, holding himself up right with gory protrusions from his torso. Aside from his head, his chest is the only thing resembling a human body part. So I valiantly leap towards him, grabbing onto his bloody, disfigured torso. I know what to aim for, I drive the stake into his chest. I missed the heart, I pull out my weapon, I look at him and utter in a manner resembling mockery, confusion and distress: "Where's your heart? Is it HERE?" I stab him again, no feedback, I say again "is it HERE?" and strike him once more. I repeat the process almost a dozen times until I finally strike his heart, as I do the monstrous vampire wails and twitches, throwing me off of him, soon turning into dust. Finally, defeating the shapeshifting vampire jews I am freed from this eldritch nightmare.
Monday, November 21st 2022
Quiet day, I'm on my computer, in my room, in my top story apartment (incongruent with my actual living situation). As I'm involved with the computer, a happy-merchant like jew peeks through the door and asks me if he can open my window. I'm focused on my screen so I just give a sort of half response: "Sure, just crank it open a little." The jew then proceeds to open the window fully. After a few minutes I notice it's getting very cold and turn around the see the window wide open. "fucking jews", I think to myself. I close the window and go into the apartment's hall to find the whole house in disarray. There's trash, dirt, little chickens (???), everything is a huge mess and my parents are stressing out. "See, I was right about jews! They're fucking everything up!" I decide to call my friend for a reprisal. After he arrives we start patrolling the building's hallway. We decide to take a rope and tie one end of it around my waist and the other around his. At this point we spot a jew and I get his attention: "hey excuse me, hold up a second!", as I approach him my friend starts running circles around him, this somehow ties him up and we start beating and kicking him on the ground. After this we kick him down the stairs and he falls to the ground floor (even doe we were higher up). So we leave him tied up at the bottom of the stairs as we go to scout out the parking lot for more jews. As we're scouting the parking lot I spot my uncle approaching the building, so I decide to catch up with him. But something is wrong. I can't put my finger on it but something is off, I decide to overtake him and run into the building, closing the door on him. I turn to look at him, it's something, his movements are weird, his expression is undefined, his face is just a little off. I stare at him, almost challenging him, calling his bluff. Thinking to myself "go on then, type in the code. Get your keys." After a few seconds of us staring at each other I say to him through the closed glass pane in the door: "I knew it. I knew you weren't my uncle." At this point the being mimicking my uncle starts some gruesome, gory transformation. His limbs split into multiple, his arms dislocate and extend, his flesh basically turns inside out, his face gets completely disfigured, he lets out a terrifying scream unlike any sound a human could produce. Total horror strikes me and my friend as we bolt for the stairs as fast as we can while this monster is breaking down the building's entrance. As we're running up the stairs I turn around to see the jew we tied up begin the same transformation, freeing himself from the bind. As I reach the top floor and enter my apartment I am alone, the monster is destroying the entire building around me, the sky is clearly visible. I think fast, I remember reading about vampires and how to kill them. I take a chunky bible with thick wooden covers from a shelf, I SNAP a wooden stake out of the wooden book covers with my bare hands and I turn to the monsters ravaging my home. I fix my gaze on the smaller of the two, the jew we had tied up and thrown down the stairs. Still maintaining some humanoid shape and form, I dash to him and drive the thorn into his heart. He screams in agony as his flesh turns to dust. At this point, the other shapeshifter is basically formless, you couldn't tell which part of him used to be human, his arms and legs are stretched, infused into the walls that remain, holding himself up right with gory protrusions from his torso. Aside from his head, his chest is the only thing resembling a human body part. So I valiantly leap towards him, grabbing onto his bloody, disfigured torso. I know what to aim for, I drive the stake into his chest. I missed the heart, I pull out my weapon, I look at him and utter in a manner resembling mockery, confusion and distress: "Where's your heart? Is it HERE?" I stab him again, no feedback, I say again "is it HERE?" and strike him once more. I repeat the process almost a dozen times until I finally strike his heart, as I do the monstrous vampire wails and twitches, throwing me off of him, soon turning into dust. Finally, defeating the shapeshifting vampire jews I am freed from this eldritch nightmare.
marku this was just your coke daydream