Monday, November 21st 2022
Quiet day, I'm on my computer, in my room, in my top story apartment (incongruent with my actual living situation). As I'm involved with the computer, a happy-merchant like jew peeks through the door and asks me if he can open my window. I'm focused on my screen so I just give a sort of half response: "Sure, just crank it open a little." The jew then proceeds to open the window fully. After a few minutes I notice it's getting very cold and turn around the see the window wide open. "fucking jews", I think to myself. I close the window and go into the apartment's hall to find the whole house in disarray. There's trash, dirt, little chickens (???), everything is a huge mess and my parents are stressing out. "See, I was right about jews! They're fucking everything up!" I decide to call my friend for a reprisal. After he arrives we start patrolling the building's hallway. We decide to take a rope and tie one end of it around my waist and the other around his. At this point we spot a jew and I get his attention: "hey excuse me, hold up a second!", as I approach him my friend starts running circles around him, this somehow ties him up and we start beating and kicking him on the ground. After this we kick him down the stairs and he falls to the ground floor (even doe we were higher up). So we leave him tied up at the bottom of the stairs as we go to scout out the parking lot for more jews. As we're scouting the parking lot I spot my uncle approaching the building, so I decide to catch up with him. But something is wrong. I can't put my finger on it but something is off, I decide to overtake him and run into the building, closing the door on him. I turn to look at him, it's something, his movements are weird, his expression is undefined, his face is just a little off. I stare at him, almost challenging him, calling his bluff. Thinking to myself "go on then, type in the code. Get your keys." After a few seconds of us staring at each other I say to him through the closed glass pane in the door: "I knew it. I knew you weren't my uncle." At this point the being mimicking my uncle starts some gruesome, gory transformation. His limbs split into multiple, his arms dislocate and extend, his flesh basically turns inside out, his face gets completely disfigured, he lets out a terrifying scream unlike any sound a human could produce. Total horror strikes me and my friend as we bolt for the stairs as fast as we can while this monster is breaking down the building's entrance. As we're running up the stairs I turn around to see the jew we tied up begin the same transformation, freeing himself from the bind. As I reach the top floor and enter my apartment I am alone, the monster is destroying the entire building around me, the sky is clearly visible. I think fast, I remember reading about vampires and how to kill them. I take a chunky bible with thick wooden covers from a shelf, I SNAP a wooden stake out of the wooden book covers with my bare hands and I turn to the monsters ravaging my home. I fix my gaze on the smaller of the two, the jew we had tied up and thrown down the stairs. Still maintaining some humanoid shape and form, I dash to him and drive the thorn into his heart. He screams in agony as his flesh turns to dust. At this point, the other shapeshifter is basically formless, you couldn't tell which part of him used to be human, his arms and legs are stretched, infused into the walls that remain, holding himself up right with gory protrusions from his torso. Aside from his head, his chest is the only thing resembling a human body part. So I valiantly leap towards him, grabbing onto his bloody, disfigured torso. I know what to aim for, I drive the stake into his chest. I missed the heart, I pull out my weapon, I look at him and utter in a manner resembling mockery, confusion and distress: "Where's your heart? Is it HERE?" I stab him again, no feedback, I say again "is it HERE?" and strike him once more. I repeat the process almost a dozen times until I finally strike his heart, as I do the monstrous vampire wails and twitches, throwing me off of him, soon turning into dust. Finally, defeating the shapeshifting vampire jews I am freed from this eldritch nightmare.