Dr. who review


nevER selling
Its always been embarrassing to say you watch the show, but it became normified and less autistic to watch it, but as a result of being normified, the show went to shit and is unwatchable since 2014, but was limping since the late 1980s and sometimes had gems in the coal, until 2014 that is, where it is 100% coal.

Anyway trying to review this is nearly impossible since each season is so different.

EARLY 1960s

The (classic) show consists of serials/stories, divided into episodes, but really each story is basically a movie that could more or less stand on its own: you could start with a story in season 7 and hope to season 18 and back and you wouldn't be lost.

The 1960s show can almost feel like a stage play, but practical affects and sets are great, the companions are great and the doctor is based.

He doesn't take shit from people and is the example of a sigma male just running around the universe trying to behave himself but getting into mischief.

First Doctor - Wikipedia

He doesn't do ''good'' and save the day to be a hero, but just as a hobby that he doesn't take too seriously, just like how you would complete quests in a vidya; he is even is responsible for things like the great fire of rome.

He doesn't act soy, and is a rational, practical man of curiosity who warms up throughout his stories but has an assertive and stern quality, but he is still relatively inexperienced and makes rookie mistakes and usually reckless by not accounting for things

Culture Re-View: The journey to make the first ever episode of Doctor Who |  Euronews

The stories basically go like this: land in some random place and time because the doctor can't fly the ship properly, get caught in the affairs of wherever they are, get lost, taken, whatever etc from the ship, and try and get back to it.

A lot of historical based stories.

Very innovate and inventive even by today's standards, let alone back then.

You know he was based when people accuse him of sexism and try and do him dirty in modern day stories of the original doctor.

LATE 1960s

I don't know much about this era since most episodes are lost and have shitty animations over the original audio, but I have seen some episodes which properly exist, and they are ok.

Stories usually take place in some base which is under siege and the second doctor is more of a clown who appears to accidently foil enemies plans and comes off has a fool to deceive and trick people and is generally more childish, but not in marvel soyboy way

Second Doctor - Wikipedia

The writers got a little faggy with some of the writing between one of the companions who wear a skirt kilt because he is scottish, but it is harmless jokes so it passes and is average straight male behaviour in 2024, and besides the doctor always travels with jbs holes.

If this was made in 2024, the doctor would be a chad and this guy would be posting on .is

Cling Like It's 1969: a Two/Jamie ship manifesto: timeandcelery —  LiveJournal

EARLY 1970s

Best era of the shower by far.

Introduces the first neo cortex, the doctor acts like a high T chad who uses guns, drives cars, does karate and argues with staff in the military base he now works for, due to them being incompetent retards and criticises things like bureaucracy and promotes a high T, protein diet as he mentioned in one story.

A love letter to the Third Doctor era | Doctor Who TV

He absolutely doesn't fuck around and is basically james bond.

The-Third-Doctor-Jon-Pertwee-classic-doctor-who by Ibiritrekker on  DeviantArt

It also worth noting the doctor doesn't give a shit about women and getting laid, and other gay shit.

This doctor is a man of vigorous action and getting shit done and is very competent, wise and intelligent but never in a arrogant redditor type of way (thats saved for the modern era)

Jon Pertwee as the Third Doctor: A Retrospective - Geek Pride

He spends most of his time on earth fixing humanoids problems and tries to take the most direct path into solving problems instead of running around almost aimlessly like before
MID 1970s - EARLY 1980s

It continues like the 70s with the military earth based shit (but worse), and phases it out and returns back to the 60s formula of randomly going to random locations, but not using the base under siege format.

The doctor travels randomly but by choice as opposed to before in the 60s where it was almost due to unknowing how to fly the ship.

The doctor is now a mix between the childish clown of the second and the competent and assertive 3rd. He acts like a clown by arrogance and confidence because he is now very much confident in his ability and experience.

The show gets a but formulaic and plays it safe at this point, but adopts a more gothic and mystical kind of theme with spiritual and cult themes.

Image of the Fendahl - VHS / 1974-style
DOCTOR WHO THE Image of the Fendahl VHS/H 1993 PG EUR 4,46 - PicClick IT

Stories feature space mummies, rip-off Frankenstein, Victorian jack the ripper type story that features @karenin, vampires, lochness monster and other shit

The Talons of Weng-Chiang | Radio Times

The doctor now looks more ridiculous but is assertive and a Freemason with high T voice.

EARLY 1980s

The doctor is now a sarcastic college student type, less assertive man who always seems agitated and has a forced politeness, but probably due to his companions who he seems to only tolerate

Classic Doctor Who: The Fifth Doctor's Essential Episodes - Reactor

He still wise and competent but due to being less assertive he loses a certain quality.

A lot of the acting is wooden and stiff, the stories are more incoherent and random and have some weird theme connecting them in an attempt to have the linked together.

Some stories are more absurd and experimental like possessions and philosophy, and just weird even by the show's standards.

The doctors companions are good but there is too many at once and none of them have enough dedicated screen time

The whole era is mediocre but wasted potential; its like they wanted to change things up but never fully committed or know what they were doing.

The show writers try too hard to be quirky and everything comes off as forced.

I want to fuck nyssa hard tho

Nyssa - What if Doctor Who Wasn't Axed?

LATE 1980s

At this point the show is on the decline and the scripts get lazy, boring, hard to follow, but yet there is many great ideas that never fleshed out tho do issues behind the scenes

The writers try to be edgy but they are generally not good at writing scripts.

Only two good stories came out in this time although, one being about a slug producing and selling snuff gore porn to the masses and the other about capitalistic cannibalism to prevent starvation, and the rest (most) of the stories despite the quality are admirable due the actor of the doctor being great and carrying the show, the good ideas in the heap of coal shine through and ignite the imagination within me and the ideas are ambitious, like the doctor being on trial against himself.

Its just too bad these ideas weren't handled well.

Sixth Doctor - Wikipedia

Point of note the doctor strangles his female companion which is giga based, and I also personally met the actor in real life and he signed something for me but my crappy mother trashed the picture he signed, because she was a cunt.

The doctor is brash and smug, but does get more mellow which is a part of his arc.

Probably the most ''alien'' doctor.

The classic show lacks many modern movie techniques and flashy affects, and adhd will struggle with it.

I love the analog style the show had and it has the best theme in history, but they even fucked that up in the last few years

I didn't watch the rest of the 80s cause it looks like kitsch trash and too try hard, and no wonder since the show died until 2005.

The show from 2005-2017 was just an attempt to be like the classic days, but it was written as if it was for teenagers and teenage girls with the quasi romance shit.

The show in 2005-2011 was mess of campy childish trash and tryhard edgy dark stuff.

The doctor in 2005 was a stripped back, less eccentric character and reminds of me of a working class englishman but too bad his stories were campy and lasted only one season.

The doctor from 2005-2010 is completely neurotic and gets emotional all the time like an edgy teenager and its uncomfortable to watch tbh, but some do like his more ''human'' nature and dark edgy side

Where There's Life, There's Change: Reflecting on the Tenth Doctor's  Regeneration in The End of Time – The Doctor Who Companion

2011 series 5 was good and the doctor is basically an old man in a young body trying to enjoy life like a childish oldman before he dies on his last life, (but of course they changed their minds about killing him off because then how could the make more money?).

The stories do add a pixar like wonderment mixed in with the stories, but really its just an attempt to be like the classic show but does it better than previous seasons.

Season 6 was pretty cool with complex season story arc which I am too retarded to explain, but it is more of a novelty that reminds of soyboy shit like dick and morty, and anything after that is where I lose interest and the show became woke, cheap nostalgia based farming.

Now in 2024 the doctor is gay negro and need I say more, and before that it was some boring woman and the scripts were just preaching woke garbage

The downfall of Doctor Who is unlike any other property in existence. Even Star Wars wasn't as brutally desecrated as this show.
Have you watched Doctor Who: The Movie (1996)?
When I was a kid maybe.

It was coal from what I remember and quite frankly I dont like anything after 1986.

The show from 2005 to the end of matt smith had a lot of issues, but many gems but not consistent high quality like classic.

Lately the show is just woke satanic crap like all things modern.

The classic show was very based
Peterson Davison era is better than I made out of above

He plays the role with more subtly and nuisance and the stories are pretty decent, and the aesthetic is good too.

Still was an era of wasted potential

The lates 60s stories are mostly missing with only the audio and telesnaps surviving, which is unfortuante.

The toymaker and meddling monk should have also returned at some point too
They say the lost episodes are out there in the hands of collectors but they fear the BBC, or so it’s claimed.
I am adding to my dvd collection but the chocolate out ones are missing, you can only listen to the audio over the telesnaps, or sometimes it will be on dvd with a shitty animation.

Its too bad the gunfighters survived (the worse story of season 3), but all the good ones like the savages and the masterplan are missing

At least the war machines and the ark survived

Screenshot 2024-09-30 212849.webp
When I was a kid maybe.

It was coal from what I remember and quite frankly I dont like anything after 1986.

The show from 2005 to the end of matt smith had a lot of issues, but many gems but not consistent high quality like classic.

Lately the show is just woke satanic crap like all things modern.

The classic show was very based
I see. My dad owned a couple of VHS tapes of Dr. Who, and the movie was one he would replay for me the most. We didn’t have access to television, so that was the best ten-year-old me got.
I see. My dad owned a couple of VHS tapes of Dr. Who, and the movie was one he would replay for me the most. We didn’t have access to television, so that was the best ten-year-old me got.
My grandma has vhs tapes of:

The power of kroll, the time warrior, castrovalva, the keeper of traken, earthshock, the ribos operation, frontios and the awakening,