A lot of old people will tell you that your life will go by so fast. While I do experience years as slower than when I was a kid, I feel like they stopped coming slower around high school. Coovid changed my perception of time a lot.
I think it's possible that life doesn't go by faster, it just is that people work so much, so they have less life to live per year as adults. It may also be that it has to do with the slower reaction time and processing speed as you age. Your reaction time begins lowering as soon as you reach adulthood and your processing speed begins lowering around 30. Basically, when your processing speed lowers, you are parsing your lived experience into less snapshots, so it feels like life is going faster even though you're going slower. This is why the Flash and other speedsters are portrayed as experiencing the world go by extremely slowly.
In science fiction and worldbuilding, you often hear of ancient supercomputers or simulated realities which are able to simulate infinity in a finite time by running the experience of time differently in the simulation. In real life, however, there is likely a hard limit to this, because there is a hard lower limit to time units, temperature, etc etc. Kant says that time is a priori sensation, but it's not the same everywhere and for everyone.
I think it's possible that life doesn't go by faster, it just is that people work so much, so they have less life to live per year as adults. It may also be that it has to do with the slower reaction time and processing speed as you age. Your reaction time begins lowering as soon as you reach adulthood and your processing speed begins lowering around 30. Basically, when your processing speed lowers, you are parsing your lived experience into less snapshots, so it feels like life is going faster even though you're going slower. This is why the Flash and other speedsters are portrayed as experiencing the world go by extremely slowly.
In science fiction and worldbuilding, you often hear of ancient supercomputers or simulated realities which are able to simulate infinity in a finite time by running the experience of time differently in the simulation. In real life, however, there is likely a hard limit to this, because there is a hard lower limit to time units, temperature, etc etc. Kant says that time is a priori sensation, but it's not the same everywhere and for everyone.