Conspiracy experience


nevER selling
When I came on the site this morning (while I was drinking my pre-work coffee) some of the threads I saw on the front page were

  • Classification of different types of niggers
  • Why you need to be raped
  • [Username] is a faggot
  • Jews did [something]

It just left me wondering:

What does any of this have to do with inceldom?
The jews made me an incel
they usually pair this with their autistic hobbies like "jews ruined the 5th season of negrochan's big nigger titties adventures volume 87"
They do this all the time over at niggermania. Anytime there’s a discussion about TV, books, or old games, they will always bring up how niggers ruined everything for no reason.
When I came on the site this morning (while I was drinking my pre-work coffee) some of the threads I saw on the front page were

  • Classification of different types of niggers
  • Why you need to be raped
  • [Username] is a faggot
  • Jews did [something]

It just left me wondering:

What does any of this have to do with inceldom?
What even is there to discuss about inceldom ? Even normies know about blackpill now. There is nothing left to discuss about inceldom.
What even is there to discuss about inceldom ? Even normies know about blackpill now. There is nothing left to discuss about inceldom.
There was never really anything to discuss in the first place. The bottom line is: good looks will give you an advantage in life, fact. Anything regarding women’s nature has been known since the Greek days so there’s nothing new to say about that either.