History Debunking Jews' lies about Hitler

1Based Frog1

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Jude and shabbos goys in media and academia love to exaggerate the significance of the illegitimate birth of Adolf's father, Alois Schicklgruber Snr. (later Alois Hitler Snr.), in order to keep alive the rumour that Adolf's paternal grandfather might have been a non-Aryan. The most outrageous yet endlessly-named candidate for Hitler's un-Aryan grandfather is a 19-year-old (!) Jew named Leo Frankenberger. These rumours have been conclusively disproven by DNA testing.

In 2010, the Belgian journalist Jean Paul Mulders and historian Marc Vermeeran performed DNA tests on saliva samples from Alexander Stuart-Houston (Alois Snr's great-grandson from his first son Alois Hitler Jr) and patrilineal descendants of the Hiedler family, the results conclusively prove that Alois Snr's biological father, that is Adolf's paternal grandfather, was not a Jude or non-Aryan but indeed one of the Hiedler brothers, either Johann Nepomuk Hiedler (who was also the maternal great-grandfather of Hitler's mother) or Johann Georg Hiedler, the long-established "official" Hitler forebear claimed by Alois and Adolf themselves. Johann George was cohabiting with Hitler's paternal grandmother, Maria Schicklgruber, around the time she conceived Alois Snr., and married her a few years after the birth.

The DNA findings aren't even mentioned in the Wikipedia articles on Adolf Hitler nor his father, which persist in repeating the "Leopold Frankenberger" myth. Makes you wonder (who) is controlling the content on Wikipedia.

2010-08-17, 22:00
Updated on: 20-01-2021, 16:29
Journalist Jean-Paul Mulders has been studying the DNA of Adolf Hitler since 2008. He came up with startling discoveries.

Jean-Paul Mulders came into possession of Adolf Hitler's Y chromosome in 2008 when he wanted to uncover the truth about another persistent myth: that Hitler fathered a son with a young Frenchwoman during the First World War. This story went around the world in the 1970s and then made the international press. After the initial hoopla, it died a quiet death, as no one could confirm or disprove it. It lingered in the gray zone between fable and history, where it became the subject of discussion on Internet forums.

In the book The Youth of Adolf Hitler by Marc Vermeeren, the idea was put forward to solve this mystery of the alleged son of Hitler once and for all by means of DNA research. Vermeeren had already done the necessary fieldwork in Austria. By sifting through parish registers for weeks, he had found men who were related to Hitler in the paternal line. Despite their slightly different surnames (Hüttler, Hiedler, etc.), the records clearly showed that they had a common ancestor with Adolf Hitler.

Mulders went to the Austrian Waldviertel and was able to trace ten of those Hitler relatives there. One of them voluntarily allowed a saliva test, from another we obtained some DNA from cigarette butts he had left in an ashtray. Then the trip went to the United States, where three great-nephews of Adolf Hitler live on Long Island under the pseudonym Stuart-Houston. They are extremely media shy and don't even open the front door. Mulders had to observe one of them for a week before he could get his hands on a napkin that the man threw from the car when leaving a roadhouse. Contrary to expectations, the imprint of his lips (with chicken fat) contained a perfectly usable DNA profile.

On analysis, the Y chromosome of the American Hitler turned out to be identical to that of the two Austrian ones. This proved that they are probably related to each other. Mulders knew that he now also had the Y chromosome of Adolf Hitler himself. After all, any geneticist will confirm that the Y chromosome is passed on unchanged from father to son, and only mutates slightly every now and then. Anyone who has the same close ancestor in the male line, such as Adolf Hitler and his second cousins on Long Island or in the Waldviertel, therefore inevitably also has the same Y chromosome.

The envelope, please
The next step was to get hold of the DNA of Jean-Marie Loret, Hitler's alleged son. That was successful when Mulders was able to get his hands on letters he had written in the 1970s. The backs of the stamps were found to contain enough saliva to be analyzed. The DNA of the stamps was compared with that of the saliva of the Hitler relatives from Austria and the United States. No fewer than eight of the seventeen markers showed an abnormal value. As a result, the Frenchman Jean-Marie Loret, who since the 1970s impersonated Hitler's son, definitely fell through the cracks. He turned out not to be related to Hitler.

With the same research, Mulders was able to show that Aloïs Hitler, Adolf's father, was not a bastard child, but indeed a real Hitler. The story about an alleged Jewish grandfather of Hitler, which had been circulating since the 1930s and had led to the most insane conspiracy theories, could therefore also be referred to the realm of fables.

All this appeared as a four-part report in the newspaper Het Laatste Nieuws. The news was picked up by El Mundo and the Daily Mail, by Hürriyet and the Croatian Times, and attracted the attention of Chinese web sites, Russian television channels NTV and Zvezda, and radio stations from New Zealand.

The DNA material that served to unmask Hitler's false son now serves to determine Adolf Hitler's genetic lineage.

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Translated from https://www.knack.be/a/redactie-knack/

Hitler commissioned two genealogists, first Friedrich von Frank (in Febuary 1932) and then Rudolf Koppensteiner (who published the book Die Ahnentafel des Fuehrers in 1937), to create a family tree tracing back 8 generations, with Johann Georg Hiedler named as his paternal grandfather. Their work confirmed he had zero non-Aryan ancestors in that period.

#2 "Hitler was homosexual and celibate"

This sensationalist claim was put forth by a literal Jude, Lothar Machtan, and was roundly rejected by all serious Third Reich historians from both the mainstream and revisionist schools when published; not just David Irving but also William Shirer, John Toland, Anton Joachimsthaler, Brigite Hamann, and Ian Kershaw who is as mainstream as one could get. Yet despite being contradicted by testimony from every surviving member of Hitler's inner circle and rejected by Hitler scholars, these Jew-originated yarns about Hitler's homosexuality and celibacy with women are endlessly repeated in newspapers who love to cite Machtan as their "historian" source. Machtan's thesis that Hitler's warmongering had a direct causal link with (alleged) homosexuality was not appreciated by gay advocates either.

The only "source" for Hitler's alleged homosexual behaviour in WW1 is the so-called "Mend Protocol" (Mend-Protokoll*), a document of dubious authenticity and provenance -- it's supposed to have been created in Germany on December 22, 1939 but first appeared in England after WW2 ended. Moreover, the author of the Mend Protocol isn't even Hans Mend, Hitler's WW1 comrade-in-arms in the List Regiment and the alleged eyewitness of Hitler's homosexuality, but one German Resistance cuck, Friedrich Alfred Schmid Noerr, who claims to have written the document after conducting an "exhaustive interrogation" of Mend in 1939. The account contained so many factual errors about the military situation of the List Regiment that it's either a forgery and the "interrogation" never happened, or they did talk but Mend was a completely unscrupulous bullshitter--these are the positions of John F. Williams and Thomas Weber respectively, two English scholars who studied Hitler's WW1 service.

Hans Mend did write an exaggeratedly positive book about Hitler's WW1 service in 1930, titled Hitler im Felde, 1914-1918, that made up an anecdote about Hitler disobeying his Jewish superior officer (to bolster Hitler's anti-Semitic cred) but contained accurate information about the WW1 military, with none of the errors found in the Mend-Protokoll, so the evidence points to forgery. Mend fell out with Hitler and the NSDAP in 1932 and wracked up an extensive criminal record as an sex offender before dying in prison in 1942.

*The full title and location of the Mend-Protokoll manuscript: "Protokoll aufgenommen am 22. Dezember 1939 mit Hans Mend, Reitlehrer und Verwalter auf Schloss Eltzholz Berg bei Starnberg a/See, ehemals Ulan im kgl. bayer. x. Ulanenregiment zugeteilt als Ordonnanzreiter im Oktober 1914 dem Inf. Rgt. ‘List.’ Seit Juni 1916 befördert zum Offizier-Stellvertreter und zugeteilt dem 4. bayer. Feldartillerieregiment, Munitionskolonne 143 (Tankabwehr). Bei der Truppe bekannt als der ‚Schimmelreiter‘," Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv/Abteilung IV Kriegsarchiv, Handschriftensammlung Nummer 3231.

Provenance issues of the "Mend Protocol", pointed out by Charles Kaiser in the LGBT magazine, The Advocate, Issue #851, 20, Nov 2001. Rainbow fags aren't exactly enthusiastic about the prospect of Hitler being a sex deviant like them.

All the credible "dirt" on Hitler, by those in his inner circle, is of the exact opposite nature, that between 1919-1933 he indulged excessively in non-marital sexual relations with women, including his half-niece, other teenage girls and other guys' wives (in fairness, they were chasing Hitler, not the other way around.)

See Hermann Esser, "Neuer Tatsachenbericht: Der große Liebhaber Adolf Hitler" in Revue Die Welt Illustrierte nr. 31, 11 September 1949.

1921 July: Hitler's opponents within the NSDAP compose and publish an anonymous pamphlet with a print run of 3,000 copies, titled "Adolf Hitler: Is He A Traitor", republished in The Muenchener Post newspaper.

William L. Shirer. (1960). Chapter 2. "Birth of the Nazi Party." The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany.

1927 March-July: Hitler pumped and dumped a 17 year old girl in 1927; his opponents within the NSDAP found out about the affair (which wasn't illegal, but "ruining young girls for marriage" was considered immoral enough to be majorly scandalous) and attempted to blackmail him, unsuccessfully, because Hitler persuaded the girl to commit perjury and sign a sworn statement stating they were only friends.

Gunter Peis. “Hitlers unbekannte Geliebte: Ein Bericht von Gunter Peis,” in Stern nr. 24, 13 June 1959, pp. 28-34.

The above is quoted from a slightly abridged English translation: https://adolfhitler33.wordpress.com/2016/01/24/hitlers-lover-maria-reiter/

Interviews with Albert Speer, Eva Braun's surviving sisters Ilse and Gretl, Hitler's housekeeper Anni Winter, his bodyguard Heinz Linge and the memoirs of his secretary Christa Schroeder all testify to his heterosexuality and conventional sex life.

Turkish-American journalist Nerin E. Gun, who interviewed Eva Braun's sister Gretl as research for his book Eva Braun: Hitler's Mistress (Meredith Press, 1968), includes Gretl's comment that "Hitler was not timid in sex" and was fanatically adored by women (pp.67-69)
This is the last piece of history I saved regarding Hitler interviews and clarifying misconceptions regarding his life. Hopefully you enjoyed reading them (again.)
Jude and shabbos goys in media and academia love to exaggerate the significance of the illegitimate birth of Adolf's father, Alois Schicklgruber Snr. (later Alois Hitler Snr.), in order to keep alive the rumour that Adolf's paternal grandfather might have been a non-Aryan. The most outrageous yet endlessly-named candidate for Hitler's un-Aryan grandfather is a 19-year-old (!) Jew named Leo Frankenberger. These rumours have been conclusively disproven by DNA testing.

In 2010, the Belgian journalist Jean Paul Mulders and historian Marc Vermeeran performed DNA tests on saliva samples from Alexander Stuart-Houston (Alois Snr's great-grandson from his first son Alois Hitler Jr) and patrilineal descendants of the Hiedler family, the results conclusively prove that Alois Snr's biological father, that is Adolf's paternal grandfather, was not a Jude or non-Aryan but indeed one of the Hiedler brothers, either Johann Nepomuk Hiedler (who was also the maternal great-grandfather of Hitler's mother) or Johann Georg Hiedler, the long-established "official" Hitler forebear claimed by Alois and Adolf themselves. Johann George was cohabiting with Hitler's paternal grandmother, Maria Schicklgruber, around the time she conceived Alois Snr., and married her a few years after the birth.

The DNA findings aren't even mentioned in the Wikipedia articles on Adolf Hitler nor his father, which persist in repeating the "Leopold Frankenberger" myth. Makes you wonder (who) is controlling the content on Wikipedia.

Translated from https://www.knack.be/a/redactie-knack/

Hitler commissioned two genealogists, first Friedrich von Frank (in Febuary 1932) and then Rudolf Koppensteiner (who published the book Die Ahnentafel des Fuehrers in 1937), to create a family tree tracing back 8 generations, with Johann Georg Hiedler named as his paternal grandfather. Their work confirmed he had zero non-Aryan ancestors in that period.

#2 "Hitler was homosexual and celibate"

This sensationalist claim was put forth by a literal Jude, Lothar Machtan, and was roundly rejected by all serious Third Reich historians from both the mainstream and revisionist schools when published; not just David Irving but also William Shirer, John Toland, Anton Joachimsthaler, Brigite Hamann, and Ian Kershaw who is as mainstream as one could get. Yet despite being contradicted by testimony from every surviving member of Hitler's inner circle and rejected by Hitler scholars, these Jew-originated yarns about Hitler's homosexuality and celibacy with women are endlessly repeated in newspapers who love to cite Machtan as their "historian" source. Machtan's thesis that Hitler's warmongering had a direct causal link with (alleged) homosexuality was not appreciated by gay advocates either.

The only "source" for Hitler's alleged homosexual behaviour in WW1 is the so-called "Mend Protocol" (Mend-Protokoll*), a document of dubious authenticity and provenance -- it's supposed to have been created in Germany on December 22, 1939 but first appeared in England after WW2 ended. Moreover, the author of the Mend Protocol isn't even Hans Mend, Hitler's WW1 comrade-in-arms in the List Regiment and the alleged eyewitness of Hitler's homosexuality, but one German Resistance cuck, Friedrich Alfred Schmid Noerr, who claims to have written the document after conducting an "exhaustive interrogation" of Mend in 1939. The account contained so many factual errors about the military situation of the List Regiment that it's either a forgery and the "interrogation" never happened, or they did talk but Mend was a completely unscrupulous bullshitter--these are the positions of John F. Williams and Thomas Weber respectively, two English scholars who studied Hitler's WW1 service.

Hans Mend did write an exaggeratedly positive book about Hitler's WW1 service in 1930, titled Hitler im Felde, 1914-1918, that made up an anecdote about Hitler disobeying his Jewish superior officer (to bolster Hitler's anti-Semitic cred) but contained accurate information about the WW1 military, with none of the errors found in the Mend-Protokoll, so the evidence points to forgery. Mend fell out with Hitler and the NSDAP in 1932 and wracked up an extensive criminal record as an sex offender before dying in prison in 1942.

*The full title and location of the Mend-Protokoll manuscript: "Protokoll aufgenommen am 22. Dezember 1939 mit Hans Mend, Reitlehrer und Verwalter auf Schloss Eltzholz Berg bei Starnberg a/See, ehemals Ulan im kgl. bayer. x. Ulanenregiment zugeteilt als Ordonnanzreiter im Oktober 1914 dem Inf. Rgt. ‘List.’ Seit Juni 1916 befördert zum Offizier-Stellvertreter und zugeteilt dem 4. bayer. Feldartillerieregiment, Munitionskolonne 143 (Tankabwehr). Bei der Truppe bekannt als der ‚Schimmelreiter‘," Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv/Abteilung IV Kriegsarchiv, Handschriftensammlung Nummer 3231.

Provenance issues of the "Mend Protocol", pointed out by Charles Kaiser in the LGBT magazine, The Advocate, Issue #851, 20, Nov 2001. Rainbow fags aren't exactly enthusiastic about the prospect of Hitler being a sex deviant like them.

All the credible "dirt" on Hitler, by those in his inner circle, is of the exact opposite nature, that between 1919-1933 he indulged excessively in non-marital sexual relations with women, including his half-niece, other teenage girls and other guys' wives (in fairness, they were chasing Hitler, not the other way around.)

See Hermann Esser, "Neuer Tatsachenbericht: Der große Liebhaber Adolf Hitler" in Revue Die Welt Illustrierte nr. 31, 11 September 1949.

1921 July: Hitler's opponents within the NSDAP compose and publish an anonymous pamphlet with a print run of 3,000 copies, titled "Adolf Hitler: Is He A Traitor", republished in The Muenchener Post newspaper.

William L. Shirer. (1960). Chapter 2. "Birth of the Nazi Party." The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany.

1927 March-July: Hitler pumped and dumped a 17 year old girl in 1927; his opponents within the NSDAP found out about the affair (which wasn't illegal, but "ruining young girls for marriage" was considered immoral enough to be majorly scandalous) and attempted to blackmail him, unsuccessfully, because Hitler persuaded the girl to commit perjury and sign a sworn statement stating they were only friends.

Gunter Peis. “Hitlers unbekannte Geliebte: Ein Bericht von Gunter Peis,” in Stern nr. 24, 13 June 1959, pp. 28-34.

The above is quoted from a slightly abridged English translation: https://adolfhitler33.wordpress.com/2016/01/24/hitlers-lover-maria-reiter/

Interviews with Albert Speer, Eva Braun's surviving sisters Ilse and Gretl, Hitler's housekeeper Anni Winter, his bodyguard Heinz Linge and the memoirs of his secretary Christa Schroeder all testify to his heterosexuality and conventional sex life.

Turkish-American journalist Nerin E. Gun, who interviewed Eva Braun's sister Gretl as research for his book Eva Braun: Hitler's Mistress (Meredith Press, 1968), includes Gretl's comment that "Hitler was not timid in sex" and was fanatically adored by women (pp.67-69)
As an honorary Sephardic jew im offended
Hitler was E-V13 Dinaric Illyrian. In fact all of the Nazi top brass were crypto-Balkaners. E-V13 = most royal haplogroup in Europe except for western R1a variants! For some reason people assumed that E1b in Austria meant Jewish even though E-V13 gentiles are the vast majority of E1b in Austria
Hitler was E-V13 Dinaric Illyrian. In fact all of the Nazi top brass were crypto-Balkaners. E-V13 = most royal haplogroup in Europe except for western R1a variants! For some reason people assumed that E1b in Austria meant Jewish even though E-V13 gentiles are the vast majority of E1b in Austria

bbc kang reich
The haplogroup E diversified before humans even left africa, so calling it an "African" haplogroup is meaningless. E1b was probably either a Basal Eurasian or an Ancient North African haplogroup which spread into Anatolia through the Natufians.
why is he illyrian though?
considering he was born between germany and austria, he would have 50/50 r1b and r1a blood
why is he illyrian though?
considering he was born between germany and austria, he would have 50/50 r1b and r1a blood
View attachment 274
It is a Neolithic Balkan haplogroup from the Anatolian Farmers which got assimilated into the Indo-European elite. Which is how it spread all the way across Western Europe

Haplogroups are all-or-nothing, because they never recombine with any genes. Your Y-DNA is identical to your fathers and only slightly different due to mutations from your paternal grandfather a thousand years ago.
Nazis were/are occult faggots...

Walter Schellenberg, former chief of Nazi counter-espionage made this statement: “The S.S. organization had been constituted by Himmler [Heinrich Himmler, leading member of the Nazi party] according to the principles of the Jesuit Order. Their regulations and the Spiritual Exercises prescribed by Ignatius of Loyola were the model Himmler tried to copy exactly. Himmler’s title as supreme chief of the S.S. was to be the equivalent of the Jesuits’ ‘General’ and the whole structure was a close imitation of the Catholic Church’s hierarchical order.” “The Secret History of the Jesuits,”

The Reichskonkordat is a treaty negotiated between the Vatican and the emergent Nazi Germany. It was signed on 20 July 1933 by Cardinal Secretary of State.

“The Fuhrer had come to power, thanks to the votes of the Catholic Zentrum [Center Party overseen by Jesuit Ludwig Kaas], only five years before 1933, but most of the objectives cynically revealed in Mein Kampf were already realized; this book… was written by the Jesuit controlled Father Bernhardt Stempfle and signed by Hitler. For it was the Society of Jesus which perfected the famous Pan-German programme as laid out in this book, and the Fuhrer endorsed it.”

“Above all I have learned from the Jesuits. And so did Lenin too, as far as I recall. The world has never known anything quite so splendid as the hierarchical structure of the [Roman] Catholic Church. There were quite a few things I simply appropriated from the Jesuits for the use of the [Nazi] Party.” – Adolph Hitler “Hermann Rauschning, former national-socialist chief of the government of Dantzig: “Hitler m’a dit”, (Ed. Co-operation, Paris 1939, pp.266, 267, 273 ss).

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