Debunking Sandy Hook mega thread

I watched an hour long documentary on bitchute yesterday as a refresher and the whole thing just crumbles.
I'm talking parents smiling and laughing, kids that didn't have a picture in the yearbook, kids that no classmate knew, pictures of kids taken from other families, a kid that was supposed to be dead APPEARING WITH OBAMA, families acting strange, "parents" leaving their "families", families completely refusing guests... And I probably didn't even catch half the things because I was gaming and most of it was in text form.

Also saw a video saying alex threw the case, that's to say he self sabotaged. I don't all his lawyers are completely incompetent, I think he was threatened and made to lose the case both to cover up AND to set a precedent.
I'm talking parents smiling and laughing
The amount of normies that try to gaslight you for saying “that’s suspicious” is insane. Since when is laughing and joking around after your kids got violently murdered considered normal?
Also saw a video saying alex threw the case, that's to say he self sabotaged. I don't all his lawyers are completely incompetent, I think he was threatened and made to lose the case both to cover up AND to set a precedent.
And getting sued for a billion dollars for something he didn’t do. He never told his followers to do anything to the affected families. Yet the system treated him worse than multiple child rapists combined.
This is news to me. Are there any archives of Alex Jones segment on this? I assume you can’t find it on YouTube anymore.
Seems it has been pretty efficiently scraped. I remember seeing Alex jones deny vehemently that he denied sandy hook, saying he was just speculating and reporting on hearsay, that he was working on limited information while it was still fresh etc. Some time later I saw a segment of his show where he was going hard on the sandy hook thing, saying it's a complete psyop, that it's full of crisis actors, that there's evidence etc. I don't remember the whole thing, it was like a year ago, probably on some telegram channel or something. Point is, he really changed it up, he seems to have poked where he wasn't supposed to and got threatened to shit, and is now being sued to shit. Fucking terrible. People call Alex controlled opposition but this isn't what controlled opposition looks like.

Three hour long documentary if you want every last possible detail.
so fucking zased.webp

Three hour long documentary if you want every last possible detail.
So I actually am watching the documentary. Took a break after watching 80 minutes and will write what I found interesting before I forget.

- The police report claims children walked across the parking lot at certain timeframes. However, no children can be seen in the official footage at the allotted time.

- All of the parents of the alleged victims are professional actors or have ties to big corporations

- Google cached a page on one of the donor sites for SH victims showing they set up the fundraiser a day before the attack

- Gene Rosen, the guy who took some fleeing children into his home for safety, constantly messes up the details of what occurred that day with each interview. He claims he kept the kids inside for about a half hour before calling authorities about the shooting. Which he knew about right away because the kids told him they just witnessed their teacher get gunned down.

- The state made it illegal to obtain copies of death certificates conveniently before reporters could ask for them.

There’s some more small details but I’m focusing on the most damning evidence.
- Gene Rosen, the guy who took some fleeing children into his home for safety, constantly messes up the details of what occurred that day with each interview. He claims he kept the kids inside for about a half hour before calling authorities about the shooting. Which he knew about right away because the kids told him they just witnessed their teacher get gunned down.
don't forget the literal rehearsal of his story in front of a camera where the cameraman corrects him
Did you see the medical examiner interview?
>yeah we confirmed the kids were shot by the rifle
<wasn't the rifle discovered in the car after the shooting?
>I-I-I uhh *shakes head*
Didn’t get that far yet but I’ll probably be done with it in a day or two. So far it’s not looking good for Sandy Hoax defenders.
Just finished it. Continuing off my other post:

- Aerial recording shows a crowd of people walking aimlessly around the school during the supposed aftermath of the shooting. You can see some actors going back into the school then out again.

- Everyone involved, from the parents to law enforcement, were given huge sums of money. They put up fundraising campaigns every year for multiple years in a row. Some of the nearby houses were sold for one dollar.

- The school was destroyed and rebuilt for reasons.

- The shooter’s DNA was mixed other unidentified DNA on his weapons and bullets.

- The shooter was carrying a wallet that had his brother’s drivers ID. The brother was apprehended by police and no one has gotten an interview with him or heard from him since 2012.

And that’s all the juicy details I remember. My final verdict: Sandy Crooks was absolutely fabricated and devised by the government to push gun control and demoralize Americans. It’s disturbing they can pull off such a sham and murder Alex Jones financially and everyone celebrates it. Just a huge blackpill that’s hard for me to accept.