Politics Daily reminder that "Yes, Capitalism is just as Jewish as Communism"

Adolf Hitler

Bring back White Excellence.
There are so many Jewish billionaires that Forbes created their own list for them in 2022.
They count 267 Jewish billionaires. That's about 10% of the global population of billionaires, compared to 0.2% of all people on earth for almost a 5000% overrepresentation.
It counts 132 Jewish billionaires in the United States, out of a billionaire population of 756, which comes out to 17%. Jews are estimated to be at most 2.2% of the US population.
Of course the US will lean towards Israel. This is a good thing, since billionaires are on average smarter and much more humane than the general public. But the public is also with Israel.
This is also why I don't think polls showing younger Americans being less pro-Israel matter that much. Jews are not in the grievance studies department living off a $50K stipend in an expensive city. They're in private equity, on Wall Street, in the halls of Congress, and I don't think the rising People of Color alliance will challenge them. Wealthy Jews will skim off the Cory Bookers of the world and leave the African American Studies professors to continue in their "scholarship."
Seeing Harvard being bullied by rich donors has been eye opening. The people that the institution depends on for its funding are pro-Israel. Those that are at best a burden on Harvard take the side of Hamas.

There are so many Jewish billionaires that Forbes created their own list for them in 2022.
They count 267 Jewish billionaires. That's about 10% of the global population of billionaires, compared to 0.2% of all people on earth for almost a 5000% overrepresentation.
It counts 132 Jewish billionaires in the United States, out of a billionaire population of 756, which comes out to 17%. Jews are estimated to be at most 2.2% of the US population.
Of course the US will lean towards Israel. This is a good thing, since billionaires are on average smarter and much more humane than the general public. But the public is also with Israel.
This is also why I don't think polls showing younger Americans being less pro-Israel matter that much. Jews are not in the grievance studies department living off a $50K stipend in an expensive city. They're in private equity, on Wall Street, in the halls of Congress, and I don't think the rising People of Color alliance will challenge them. Wealthy Jews will skim off the Cory Bookers of the world and leave the African American Studies professors to continue in their "scholarship."
Seeing Harvard being bullied by rich donors has been eye opening. The people that the institution depends on for its funding are pro-Israel. Those that are at best a burden on Harvard take the side of Hamas.

Honestly I've always thought this, I remember reading some Hitler speeches where he mentions this concept. They both generate (at varying speeds) cultural decay, but this illusion of there being only 2 opinions and two paths you must have in the political sphere is completely Jewish and a lie taught to us at an early age. The third position is always disregarded as ancient ideas that are "bigoted' or "foul", but this wasn't always the case, Early into it's inception it was seriously considered, and debated in the political sphere, Unfortunately the Jewish Media declared war and altered the public's opinion, slowly to make them believe you can only believe two political philosophies, which happened to be the ones they knew how to manipulate properly. Of course all these MYTHS we are taught in school are just that, myths cultivated by the Jewish media and are quickly shot down with even the slightest research. The economics of the National Socialist Party, is what saved a Germany in decline, It can certainly save an America in decline.

Wise words from the uncle himself.

“I don't see much future for the Americans... it's a decayed country. And they have their racial problem, and the problem of social inequalities... my feelings against Americanism are feelings of hatred and deep repugnance... everything about the behaviour of American society reveals that it's half Judaised, and the other half negrified. How can one expect a State like that to hold together?" - Hitler
The one and only true party of the working class. Saved Germany from economic collapse and turned it into an economic powerhouse almost immediately.
I don’t think we will be able to do that Doebiet Hitler was lucky for the few years kikes gave him we won’t and our economics won’t be able to be corporatist in nature at least for a while I think some form of market socialism or maybe a “war fascism” kinda like Lenin’s war communism will be implemented
There are so many Jewish billionaires that Forbes created their own list for them in 2022.
They count 267 Jewish billionaires. That's about 10% of the global population of billionaires, compared to 0.2% of all people on earth for almost a 5000% overrepresentation.
It counts 132 Jewish billionaires in the United States, out of a billionaire population of 756, which comes out to 17%. Jews are estimated to be at most 2.2% of the US population.
Of course the US will lean towards Israel. This is a good thing, since billionaires are on average smarter and much more humane than the general public. But the public is also with Israel.
Jews being successful under Capitalism does not make Capitalism Jewish. Capitalism can exist without Jews. Billionaires can exist without Jews. This is like saying "Starcraft is just as Korean as Kia" because Koreans are good at Starcraft (an American game)
This is also why I don't think polls showing younger Americans being less pro-Israel matter that much. Jews are not in the grievance studies department living off a $50K stipend in an expensive city. They're in private equity, on Wall Street, in the halls of Congress, and I don't think the rising People of Color alliance will challenge them. Wealthy Jews will skim off the Cory Bookers of the world and leave the African American Studies professors to continue in their "scholarship."
Seeing Harvard being bullied by rich donors has been eye opening. The people that the institution depends on for its funding are pro-Israel. Those that are at best a burden on Harvard take the side of Hamas.

Jews are less influential than they were 20 years ago. There is a lag effect with billionaires because wealth begets wealth, but Jewish share in ivy leagues has drastically declined.

Capitalism originates in late medieval and early modern England, which was practically devoid of Jews.
Jews are less influential than they were 20 years ago. There is a lag effect with billionaires because wealth begets wealth, but Jewish share in ivy leagues has drastically declined.

Capitalism originates in late medieval and early modern England, which was practically devoid of Jews.
Jews are still a massive issue. A shift in demographics doesn’t mean Jews have lost influence. If anything, they're more intertwined with our politics and culture than ever before. The Middle East is proof of that.
Jews being successful under Capitalism does not make Capitalism Jewish. Capitalism can exist without Jews. Billionaires can exist without Jews. This is like saying "Starcraft is just as Korean as Kia" because Koreans are good at Starcraft (an American game)

Jews are less influential than they were 20 years ago. There is a lag effect with billionaires because wealth begets wealth, but Jewish share in ivy leagues has drastically declined.

Capitalism originates in late medieval and early modern England, which was practically devoid of Jews.
kikes have subverted the social norms so much that "hard working" today us meant for onlyfan whores and stock market gamblers but not actual labors. Don't think they are less influential now.